“Both? Between 2005 and 2007 …” – Libero Quotidiano


Get out of Big Brother Vip Elisabetta gregoraci had to deal with the statements made by Mino Magli. The man has always said he was an ex of the showgirl. Claim repeatedly denied by the person directly concerned. To break a spear in favor of the ex-wife of Flavio briatore and the people Francesco Soprani Church.

He didn't sleep with Briatore.  Shocking accusations to Gregoraci, the former out of control: how is this possible?

“He claims to have had a relationship with her between 2005 and 2007. In the same period, however, Eli first became involved with Matteo Cambi, then he had an understanding with me, which went beyond the professional relationship. He finally met Flavio Briatore. In those years we trust everything and I’m sure he would have told me about it, “he told the weekly Nuovo, in fact giving Gregoraci right. History closed once and for all? Who knows.
