Boston Dynamics robots dance for 2021: Atlas, Spot and Handle


One of the circulated theories about the choice to yield Boston Dynamics acquired by Google in 2017 (the company moved first to Softbank and then to Hyundai) is linked to the appearance of robot developed: in particular Atlas, with its anthropomorphic structure, could have raised some doubts about the reception reserved for this type of technology by the general public accustomed to seeing hostile automata in science fiction films. And to think that in addition to doing parkour he also knows how to dance: in the video below the choreography that sees him committed to the units. stain me Handle always developed by the group.

The robotic wishes of Boston Dynamics

In the notes to the song “Do You Love Me?” from Contours, already in the soundtrack of the movie Dirty Dancing, the sensors and actuators are managed without smudging and keeping the beat, complete with a twist and something very similar to Crane technique by Karate Kid. Good vision.

The ultimate goal of Boston Dynamics is certainly not to create units to display on stage tours or in real-time video. Atlas, Spot and Handle (along with Pick, which however has less freedom of movement) are primarily intended forindustrial field and ai interventions in emergency situationsHowever, it is adaptable by third parties to specific applications.

In any case, the fears of Google and the Alphabet matrix do not seem entirely unjustified, at least according to what we read in these hours on social networks: there are many who consider robots rather and especially their abilities to replicate human movements. disturbing. A possible food for thought to address an important aspect linked to the intersection between automation and artificial intelligence, how to manage innovation so that things do not get out of control.
