The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets registered increases of the order of 1-2%. The decline of Cattolica Assicurazioni stands out
The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets record increases of the order of 1-2%, awaiting the Fed’s decisions on monetary policy.
At 10.35 the FTSEMib increased by 0.83% to 22,117 points, while FTSE Italia All Share won 0.86%. Plus sign for him FTSE Italia Mid Cap (+ 0.51%) and for Star of FTSE Italia (+ 0.76%).
L ‘euro touched $ 1.22, while the bitcoin remains just under $ 19,500 (almost 16,000 euros).
The spread Btp-Bund remains below 115 points.
Banking always in the spotlight. The ECB confirmed the recommendation to the European institutions to exercise extreme caution in the distribution of dividends and in plans to purchase treasury shares (repurchase). In particular, central bank supervision recommended that banks not distribute dividends (or limit distribution) and proceed with the purchase of treasury shares until September 2021. Furthermore, based on the current baseline scenario, the ECB expects the amount to dividend and share buyback plans remain below 15% of accumulated earnings in the two-year period 2019/2020 and do not exceed the CET1 index by 20 basis points, based on the lower of the two values.
Positive intonation for the BancoBPM (+ 0.99% to 1,835 euros). The institute reported a Cattolica Assicurazioni (-4.65% to € 4.512) the exercise of the purchase option of the insurer’s 65% stake in the capital of the joint venture Vera Vita (which holds 100% of the Irish insurer Vera Financial DAC) and Vera Assicurazioni (which owns 100% True Protection). BancoBPM specified that the communication to exercise the purchase option contains the reasons that lead us to think that the acquisition, for general (+ 0.91%) of the 24.46% of the share capital of Cattolica Assicurazioni through the subscription of the reserved capital increase carried out on October 23, entailed a change of control and therefore entitles BancoBPM to exercise the option shopping . Cattolica Assicurazioni challenged this transaction, noting that the position adopted by BancoBPM is completely unfounded, from every point of view, since it is not reflected in any provision, either by law or by contract, as certified by independent legal opinions and by the guidelines expressed By regulatory authorities. Supervision, in particular with the authorization issued by IVASS at the entrance of Generali in the capital.
On the downside, however, Intesa Sanpaolo (-0.72% to 1,9608 euros). On the sidelines of an event, the institute’s number one, Carlo Messina, specified that for the moment no other acquisitions are planned after the recent integration with UBI Banca.
At registers an increase of 2.25% to 8,226 euros. As written in Il Sole24Ore, tomorrow a board of the power giant is scheduled to examine the sale of the 50% stake in OpenFiber to the Australian fund Macquarie.
Brilliant debut of Comal at AIM Italia. The share registered an increase of 20% to 2.4 euros, compared to 2 euros for the placement value.