boom in Torre Angela and Esquilino


Covid, boom in Lazio: + 60.3% in the last 7 days.  The contagion map in Rome: registration in Torre Angela and Esquilino

COVID-19 Lazio. A record every 24 hours, new shoots appearing. Daily drive-ins besieged by cars lining up for tampons. Wave of contagioni in the last seven days in the region of Capital. In the week of October 7 to 13 the increase in new positives was 60.3%. The total of registered cases was 2,832. The week before (September 30 to October 6) the swabs tested positive 1,767 people. In the city of Rome the increase was 35% (new cases from 812 to 1096). Boom also in the provinces (from Rome to Latina, Frosinone, Rieti and Viterbo) with + 55%: the positives in the last seven days were 1,736 against 955 the previous week. The contagion map in the capital? The most affected municipalities are VII (Appio) and V (Prenestino). The neighborhoods with the most cases Angela Tower, Tor Pignattara, Tuscolano, Trieste ed Esquiline.


In the last week in the Lazio The daily bulletins have always marked a number of newly infected over 300 units: from 357 cases on October 7 to all-time high on October 13 (579 positives in 24 hours). A constant growth curve that goes hand in hand with that registered in the capital, where the daily increase fluctuated from 131 new positives on October 9 to +201 on October 13. In recent days, the Region has explained that these are generalized cases. especially with family links and some clusters. The most important increase in the provinces was registered in Asl de Latina and Viterbo.


According to the latest survey, the current positives in Lazio there are 10,637. The rebound in recent days has also triggered the data for individual municipalities to skyrocket. In absolute terms, the worst placed is still the VI (Appio). Here the infections, as we learned about bringing Salute Lazio, have passed a thousand (1,002) since the beginning of the pandemic, immediately behind, the 946 infections registered in the neighboring district V (Prenestino-Centocelle) and 846 of the VI (Tor Bella Monaca). On the contrary, net of the general picture, the best situation is found in VIII (Garbatella), where infections do not reach 400 (364) and in IV (Tiburtino), 426 in total. Delving into the details, in the center is the most devastated district of all Trieste with 183 infections, followed by Esquiline (170) e Nomentane (150). Identical speech for the area of Old Town strictly speaking, where to date 152 people have been infected. Widening the view, Angela Tower266 cases, it is the most targeted neighborhood in the entire capital and by itself is worth more than a third of the positives of the district to which it belongs. Torpignattara (190), Tuscolano South (175) e Gianicolense (168) close the circle on higher risk situations. Always bearing in mind that the figures also vary according to the number of inhabitants, Castel Romano (1 case) and Verano (4) are almost free of covid.


The complex situation in the region was painted last week by the regional health adviser, Alessio D’Amato, who had informed the regional council about the Covid emergency. “We have a very busy six or seven months ahead in which we have to live with the virus,” explained the commissioner. “In the coming days – he said – there will be a marked increase in testing activities, with 15-16 thousand tests per day. At this stage, we expect a further increase in cases, even a significant one. Eyes focused especially on the asymptomatic. Because, D’Amato stressed, “this phase is characterized by a strong trend of asymptomatic positives, unlike the first”.


In the last period, swabs made in the Region have also increased. And Lazio’s numbers, in terms of tests, are ahead of all other Regions. Suffice it to consider that Lazio, according to a survey by the Gimbe Foundation, in the period from August 12 to October 11, is the first Italian region of cases analyzed per 100 thousand inhabitants. The national average is 5,360 cases analyzed per 100,000, while that of the Lazio region is 8,002 cases.

Last updated: 16:08

