A bonus of 800 euros arrives in time for Christmas with Ristori’s decree quater approved by the Council of Ministers and soon in the Official Gazette. This is once again the € 800 voucher for sports partners already provided for by the Ristori decree and whose possibility of application expires today, November 30.
The 800 euro bonus of Refreshments decree quater it comes after the 600 euro bonus in March, April, May and June, which was followed by the more substantial monthly payment of decree no. 137/2020. Now, with Ristori’s decree quater, another bonus month of 800 euros should arrive for Christmas or at the end of the year.
€ 800 voucher for the quater Christmas soft drink decree: who owns it
The bonus of 800 euros for Christmas of the Ristori quater decree is due to sports collaborators who have already obtained the previous monthly payments of 600 euros, have just requested the monthly payment of the Ristori decree that expires today or none of the above.
The bonus of 800 euros, as stated in the text pending publication in the Official Gazette, is recognized and paid for the month of December since Sport and Health Company SpA to workers employed with collaborative relationships in:
- the National Olympic Committee (CONI);
- the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP);
- national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies recognized by the National Olympic Committee (CONI) and the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP);
- amateur sports clubs and associations.
Sports collaborators as a consequence of the epidemiological emergency due to COVID 19, must have stopped, reduced or suspended their work activity. As indicated in the text of decree quater Ristori, for the payment of the 800 euro bonus:
“All collaborations are also terminated due to the epidemiological emergency expired in 2020 and not renewed. All collaborative relationships related to the holding of championships and competitions are also considered terminated due to the epidemiological emergency. suspended for the month of December 2020. “
In particular, to obtain the bonus of 800 euros of the Ristori decree quater, sports workers must not be beneficiaries:
- other income from self-employment or employment;
- pension, excluding ordinary disability allowance.
The bonus of 800 euros, like the previous monthly payments, is not recognized to the beneficiary workers:
- citizenship income;
- emergency income;
- dismissal fund or other compensation provided for by the Cura Italia decree, renewed with the Relaunch decree, of August and by the same Refrescos quater decree.
800 euros bonus for Christmas: a few days for the application
For the bonus of 800 euros for Christmas of the decree quater of Ristori there are a few days to apply at least as established by the text circulated at this time.
The 800 euro bonus arrives automatically recognized, like the previous monthly payments, to those who have already obtained the € 600 bonus for the months of March, April, May or June, as well as the € 800 bonus for November, obviously with the same requirements.
The new potential beneficiaries of the 800 euro Christmas bonus have time for the next one December 7th apply to the Sports and Health Society. It seems strange that only 7 days are given for the € 800 bonus of Ristori’s quater decree for the month of December, assuming that the text comes into force as of tomorrow, to apply when there were 29 days available for the month of November.
For more details and clarifications on the € 800 bonus for sports collaborators of the Ristori decree quater, it is necessary to wait for the text in the Official Gazette.