The devil is in the details and sometimes also in the implementing decrees. If he Revival Decree With its 55 billion (which become 155 in terms of impact on the state budget) it is undoubtedly one of the largest in the history of the country, it is also true that the speed of implementation will be an equally important criterion for evaluating the measure. Cura Italia’s precedent is at least in chiaroscuro, with the initial chaos over compensation for self-employed workers, delays in layoffs in abrogation and long times in the provision of guaranteed loans, at least by banks.
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Italy and the rest / Bureaucracy, the burden that affects the restart
For the next round of measures, there are a couple of factors that could play in its favor: the government’s willingness to correct the already-reported malfunctions and the further raid on administrative structures. But there are also many unknowns, because in several cases it is still about creating procedures that currently do not exist. There should be no particular problems in paying the second installment of the 600 euro subsidy (retrospectively referred to April) to workers autonomous, professionals and collaborators: INPS will limit itself to replicating the previous payments, having acquired the data from the Iban. However, for the subsequent disbursement related to May and increased to the sum of 1,000 euros, collaborators and professionals must demonstrate the interruption of the activity or the reduction of income, while merchants and artisans will no longer be entitled to the benefit because, as micro-companies, it will continue to receive partial recovery of losses from Inland Revenue.
Precisely, this new paper tool should take advantage of the telematic procedures already proven in ordinary relations with the tax authorities, also with the help of accountants. And the rapid use of self-certifications, including those related to anti-mafia legislation, can help speed things up. However, a measure from the director of the Tax Agency will be required, once issued, the interested parties will have 60 days to proceed.
The political commitment of the Minister of Economy is to obtain this aid in June. Again on the fiscal front, the cancellation of the June Irap quota should not require any particular formalities from the interested taxpayers, while it is already clear that the measures to support the capitalization of the companies, which also include Invitalia and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, they will require several measures implemented and, therefore, will have a longer term.
Among the various subsidies, the emergency income and the one destined for domestic workers and caregivers debut with this decree. In both cases, the request must be sent to the INPS, which must therefore define, with specific circulars, the procedures and methods. Therefore, the times will not be immediate, even if Caf and patronati can be used, respectively.
There layoffs It was the other point of the first package of measures against the crisis. Along with the refinancing of the shock absorbers, simplification procedures have been included in the new law, ranging from the possibility of direct payment at the request of the employer to the advance of 40% by the Inps for the Cig in derogation. There would also be the idea of relaunching the agreement with the banks, which until now has not had great results: for this reason, a special guarantee fund is established, which, however, will hardly see the light of day soon, since it requires consultation with the ABI and a decree of the Mef, in concert with the Ministry of Labor, for which there are 60 days. Several ministerial decrees (as well as controls) are also required for the foreign worker regularization procedure: here the risk is that the procedures go beyond the harvest season in agriculture.
Last update: 15:02