Bonomi (Confindustria): «Irpef? Employees pay for themselves. No more subsidies, let’s not become Subsidistan “


“We need a new big business for Italy,” said the industrial leader. Carlo Bonomi, speaking at the assembly of Confindustria. After “25 years of stagnation”, we must focus on a “new productivity”; “It is in this broad concept of productivity where the actions and policies of the coming years should focus, with the aim of maximizing the role of driving force behind the development of the business and labor system, and giving new centrality to manufacturing.” With in the audience also the Prime Minister Giuseppe ConteBonomi stressed: “This is the pact that we ask the government to draft,” with Confindustria and with all social agents; a pact that requires “a high and far-sighted vision.” In the audience, duly spaced, the President of the Senate Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the Ministers of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli, Foreign Relations Luigi Di Maio, Agriculture Teresa Bellanova , the governor of Lazio and the secretary of Pd Nicola Zingaretti, the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi, the leader of the FdI Giorgia Meloni, the vice president of the Chamber Mara Carfagna.

“Recovery fund, if the government fails we all go home”

«We need options for the Italy of the future. Options also upwind. We need the courage of the future, “said the president of Confindustria again, opening the industrial assembly. Always addressing Prime Minister Conte, he added: “President you said: ‘if I am wrong to use the Recovery Fund, send me home.’ No, if you don’t define the measures that will be presented to Europe, you won’t be the only one going home. Let’s all go home. Because the damage to the country would be immense. We can’t afford it. It is time for common action, or it will not be effective action.

“We do not want to become Subsidistan”

“Joining the spirit of the EU means a different vision of subsidies to support sectors in difficulty. In the closure, the government has taken measures to support the liquidity of companies and refinance the SME fund, but the subsidies are not forever, nor do we want them to become subsidies. Thus the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi in his report to the assembly. “A particular effort is needed in the supply chains in difficulty, but neither subsidies nor greater indebtedness” but “regulatory and market conditions that allow production and employment to increase again”.

Employed as freelancers, they pay personal income tax on their own

“Why switch to monthly direct taxes only for the 5 million freelancers? We do the same for all employees, relieving companies of the thankless burden of continuing to perform the role of retention agents employees of the collection of tax revenues and being exposed to related responsibilities. “It is one of the proposals launched by the president of Confindustria at the head of Tax Reform: “It would be a good proof that the State puts everyone on the same level – said Bonomi – without feeding divisive prejudices according to the different perception of income.”
“We have read about the measures under study regarding personal income tax – he added – a cut in deductions and an alleged intervention in”tax wedgeWhich, however, would not alleviate the participation of companies. Finally, a new intervention should be the passage of almost 5 million freelancers to monthly cash taxation, presented as a great simplification. Here – said the president of Confindustria – having a vision means taking the announced capacity of financial management at its word and translating it into a powerful lever for many years: this is what we have been asking for a long time. The president of Confindustria also mentions that “divisive prejudices” would be overcome and recalls that INPS and Istat “estimate that in Italy there are up to 3 million tax evaders among the self-employed and as many among wage earners.”

“There is no future without young people and women”

“There is no future for our societies without the energies and intelligence of Young people me woman“The industrial leader said again – I was curious to know when the first applause would come, now I understand that the issue is young people and women.”

“It is time for equal pay for women and men”

Bonomi also stressed that entrepreneurs must “change their minds” and open up to “equal payBetween men and women. “For women, the real challenge is real pay equity. From 2016 to 2018, the salary difference has decreased by 2.7% but the annual gap is still wide, which is 2,700 euros gross per year less than men. The difference with women depends on the fact that there are still few executives and managers. According to Istat, from 2008 to 2018 the percentage of female executives went from 27% to 32%, that of middle managers from 41% to 45%. But if we exclude the AP and consider only private companies, the percentage of female executives is only 15%, that of female executives 29%.
“That is why it must be said – he concluded – that it is the men of private companies who have to change their heads.” According to Gender gap report 2019 from JobPricing, for the same job with a colleague, in Italy it is as if a woman began to win from the second half of February»

Pensions, exceeding the 100 mark does not affect young people

The new regulations on pensions, to overcome Quota 100, do not weigh on the shoulders of the little ones. This is the indication, in terms of social security, of the president of Confindustria. “It means running out of Quota 100 in a year – he said speaking of reforms that look at young people and women – not imagining new pension schemes based on mere tweaks, as we read when we talk about Quota 101. That is, new regimes that would follow weighing down on the shoulders of the little ones ».

Buffer reform and citizenship income

“We sent a detailed proposal for the reform of social safety nets to the government and unions in mid-July, which we have not seen any follow-up so far.” Thus the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, from the assembly stage. The business leader calls for a reform with “real active labor policies, dismantling the part of the citizen’s income not destined to combat poverty but in theory to labor policies that in fact do not work.”

Extraordinary opportunity for the Italian G20 presidency in 2021

Italy can play a role in international challenges and “influence more than is believed, even on a global level”. The president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi in his report to the 2020 assembly underlines how “the Italian presidency of the G20 in 2021 is an extraordinary occasion, and falls in even more extraordinary times” and addressing Prime Minister Conte underlines the “credibility acquired by Italy“.« The proactive measures of central banks and those to stabilize the financial markets after 2008 had an initial framework of coordination thanks to the decision of the G20 to entrust the preliminary task to the Financial Stability Board. Today we need a reissue on a Italian proposal, to avoid asymmetries between the actions of the big central banks and avoid that the bond markets are increasingly penalized by the persistence of negative rates. And in the great challenge of the G20 Confindustria will be involved First row, with Emma Marcegaglia to chair the B20, which coordinates the contribution of the productive associations of all member countries, and with a team of excellent Italian businessmen indicated to lead the 7 working groups in which the work and contribution will be divided. companies on all issues on the world agenda ”.
