The bomb squadrons and soldiers of the IV Engineer Regiment intervened this morning at the defusing the bomb dating back to WWII, found in the Port of Palermo.
Operations for the evacuation of a part of the historic center began at 6 in the morning. In the end, the army intervened to detonate the 600-pound bomb (272 kilos, of which 100 of explosives), in a quarry far from the city of Palermo.
There are 63 streets, streets, squares and patios to evacuate within a radius of 400 meters from the point where the bomb is located. The City Council has set up 3 reception centers: in the municipal stadium, in the Pala Uditore and in the Pala Oreto and a collection center in Piazza Sturzo from which the free buses will depart to the 3 reception points, in addition to the vehicles of civil protection.
In the street, agents of the State Police, Carabinieri, Financial Police, Municipal Police, Civil Protection, Red Cross coordinated through the Rescue Coordination Center (CCS) installed in the Prefecture.
Video by Virginia Cataldi
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