Bomb in Conte’s workgroup. Are two ministers lost? The government trembles for the recovery fund – Il Tempo


Field day for the government of Giuseppe Conte and for the future of the premier himself. In addition to the vote on the revision of the Me the inner frond of the majority opposite the “control room” For him Recovery Fund, another working group that exempts Parliament in crucial decisions for the country, such as the use of European funds to recover from the crisis COVID-19.

The Minister of Equal Opportunities and representative of Italia Viva, Elena Bonetti, a Radio Capital guest put it flatly: “If the working group does not withdraw, the minister and I Teresa Bellanova we are ready to resign. To be at the service of Italy, collaboration is necessary for specific relaunch projects. But we have to do it with the government. I swore on the Italian Constitution, which provides for a democratic process that must be protected. As soon as they did not put me in a position to respect this oath, not even out of personal conscience, I would also be willing to resign. Therefore, the recovery plan‘will define the life of Italians for the next 30 years and the government must be accountable to Parliament. The direction of this project must be in the hands of the government ”.

The trick of Conte & Cía.  That is why the government will use the Month

As for the Month, for Bonetti “the vote of Alive italy there will be if the government’s position remains pro-European. Banning access to the Month today for ideological reasons is detrimental not for Italia Viva, but for the country. It is clear that we need those billions to give an answer to the citizens. “

Is Minister Bonetti willing to resign? “He will take responsibility, like his party. It seems indecent to me that we discuss political alchemy with the country in this situation,” says the Minister of Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia ad Agora on Rai 3.
