ANCONA – Perhaps this cursed virus suffers from vertigo, or does not tolerate the rarefied air that is breathed above a thousand. Because the only one of the 227 municipalities of the Marches that still resists it since the beginning of the epidemic, without contagion ever among the residents, is a mountain village of the Sibillini that dominates the upper valley of Fiastrone, in the Macerata area. Bolognola, the highest municipality in the Marche region (1,070 meters above sea level) has remained the only one to raise the Covid-free flag, that of those who have never had to deal with the Coronavirus.

Mountain air
The mountain air has nothing to do with it, of course, but the isolation of a parish church in the Apennines that has been whitened these days by the snow that covers its ski slopes, destined who knows how long to remain deserted. If the tourists do not arrive, who in summer had returned to frequent the mountain area, the few residents (154 before the earthquake of 16, which further depopulated the town) are left alone to admire the peaks of Monte Rotondo and the natural waterfalls . of Acquasanta. Alone and protected from contagion. And it is no coincidence that the other 14 municipalities that the day before yesterday were left without positive neighbors (returned free of Covid after cures and unfortunately also deaths) are villages and small municipalities in the interior, six from the province of Macerata, four from Pesaro-Urbino, three from Piceno and only one from Fermano.
In the crater of the earthquake
Almost all of them in the earthquake crater, except the ones further north. The Ancona area, on the other hand, is stained red, looking at the maps that identify the contagion zones, without even a town that can boast of having put the virus at the door. The province of the regional capital is the most affected in phase 2 of the health emergency: yesterday it reached 8,203 cases, followed by Macerata with 6,165, Pesaro Urbino with 5.56, Ascoli with 3,600 and Fermo with 3,148. A month ago, in the Ancona area, Castelleone di Suasa and Offagna returned free of Covid, but they also surrendered.
The autumn wave of Sars-Cov-2, in terms of diffusion in the territory, was more intense than the first. The Marches had reached the end of the closure with 28 municipalities always free of Covid and already at the beginning of May, after the cloister, another 27 had returned to the former Covid, after also counting several positives among the neighbors.
The return of the coronavirus-free territories continued through the summer. On June 3 there were 121 municipalities in the Marche region, more than half, with no ongoing positive cases. On July 6 they had risen to 170. Then, the trend reversed in August, between lively places and vacation returns, and by the end of September the virus-free zone had receded.
The reopening of schools
Finally, the reopening of the schools with the return buses almost full have made the virus regain ground and the municipalities without positive have dropped to 124, 55% of the total. At the end of October the Coronavirus had spread to 85% of the municipalities, leaving only 33 safe from contagion, you are always free of Covid and 27 ex-Covid. The last to yield, registering the first positive cases in their history, were Monsampietro Morico and Smerillo in Fermano, and three villages in the Macerata area, Camporotondo di Fiastrone, Fiastra and Gagliole. Only Bolognola resists, since in the fall of four years ago the 37 irreducible citizens had resisted the earthquake, among them a 7-month-old pregnant woman, who preferred to sleep in tents rather than migrate to hotels on the coast. The farms had to be looked after. “It’s snowing in a little while, bring us the containers and we’ll fix them,” his only request.
Last updated: 09:08