At the end of the match with La Spezia, Mihajlovic has announced that Musa Barrow will no longer be Bologna’s penalty taker: After 2 errors out of 2 by the Gambian (both came against Provedel, one in Serie A and the other in the Italian Cup), the Serbian coach has decided to change the team’s penalty taker.
The Bologna goalkeeper, now whose turn is it?
In recent weeks Mihajlovic had spoken of Musa Barrow and Riccardo Orsolini as penalty shooters. With the rejection of the former Atalanta, the former Juventus will now assume the responsibility of taking the next penalty. But of course, pay attention to all the alternatives.
Last year the chosen one, prior to Barrow’s arrival, was Sansone: The former Sassuolo player, however, is playing much less, even after multiple injuries. If I was in the field and not Orsolini, your candidacy cannot be excluded.
But there is also Roberto Soriano in dispute for an opportunity and a possible surpriseIn fact, in the Bolognese environment Nico is also talked about. Dominguez, yesterday he scored for the second time in a row in the league. Net of injuries, with Orsolini and Sansone out, if a penalty comes the next day, it could be Domínguez and Soriano who dispute it.
Bologna penalty shooters, ranking hierarchies
Consequently, at the moment the hierarchy, without injuries, seems quite clear. Then it will be necessary to understand from time to time, especially based on absences, who could be responsible for the penalty shot, without excluding that in the future (once the storm has passed) Barrow of 11 meters will not appear again. Meanwhile, this is the momentary ranking of the chosen penalty takers.
- Riccardo Orsolini
- Nicola Sansone
- Roberto Soriano
- Nico Dominguez
- Muse barrow