A difficult year, in between pandemic, emergency shutdown, dead and consequent economic difficulties that have had a great impact on the lives of all Italians. In these unprecedented 365 days, the Sole 24 Mineral has compiled his usual ranking of cities for Quality of life. And the first position is won Bologna. One result, the one obtained by the Emilian capital in the 31st Well-being Survey in the territories, which also counts the different impact on the different territories of the spread of the virus.
In fact, Bologna rises 13 positions compared to last year, a trend that has characterized all the provincial capitals of theEmilia romagna which counts five cities (out of a total of nine) among the top twenty in Italy: in addition to the capital, we find Parma in eighth place, Forlì Cesena to the 14th, Modena to 15 e Reggio emilia to the 17th.
At the top of the ranking, the cities of the North are confirmed, accustomed to filling high positions: the second is in fact Bolzano, While Trento is third. The two cities have been able to maintain their positions even in the pandemic year, although they are now expected to experience a difficult winter for the mountain economy.
Widening the look, it is observed that the provinces of North italy, in particular the Lombards, the most affected during the first wave. All are losing positions compared to last year, with the exception of Sondrio me Mantua. Milan, winner in both 2018 and 2019, loses 11 positions also for the per capita GDP collapse based on 2020 estimates, but also due to the adoption of the new indicator on the average available living space (with an average of 51 square meters per family).
Heavily penalized even in the most metropolitan areas tourist, come Venice (33, 24 positions less), Rome (32th, -14), Florence (27, -12) or Naples (92, -11). For the same reason, namely the lack of tourists, it is also penalized Beach: the provinces of Puglia me Sardinia (except Cagliari and Foggia), Rimini (36th, lost 19 places compared to last year), Salerno, Syracuse me Ragusa. In contrast, only the Liguria, all improving, where even Genoa (19) celebrates the reopening of viaduct over La Polcevera after the collapse of the Morandi bridge, recovering 26 positions. To register “growth spurts”, placing itself among the top ten, there are also other medium-sized provinces such as Verona (fourth, +3 positions), Udine (sixth, +10) e Cagliari (9th, +11, queen of the Demographics and health category).
If the North falls, the South does not rise in the ranking but is left with the usual problems at the end. This year the ranking closes Crotone, preceded by Caltanissetta, the last last year.
Returning to Bologna, we note that the city is first in terms of Wealth and consumption, fourth in Business and Work, second in Environment and Services, third in Culture and Leisure. On the other hand it does not shine by Security and justice management (106º): In fact, it is in the lowest part of the national ranking of complaints of theft, extortion, fraud, sexual violence, a common denominator of many university cities with a high presence of off-campus.
Why concern South, metropolitan areas gain positions in the chapter Demographics and healthprecisely because the virus has hit harder in other places, but they remain at the bottom of the other categories where the structural gaps inherited from the past weigh. Regarding the impact of the pandemic, the survey shows the depth of the economic and social crisis, for now kept at bay by buffers, contributions and state refreshments. the Basic income increases in large cities and in the south: in Milan, where checks are just under 13 per 1,000 inhabitants, 40.3% more were issued between December 2019 and August 2020. In Naples and Palermo there are 49 and 51.5 contributions per 1,000 inhabitants, 36% and 33.2% more.
the business dynamismthen, it characterizes some territories that are more inclined to take advantage of opportunities even in the pandemic. In particular, a Lecco (+ 30.77%), Meadow (+ 29.69%), Brindisi (+ 26.61%), and Matera (+ 26.23%) the number of businesses they do has increased electronic commerce, while the boom of start up if you register to Imperia (+ 200%), Viterbo (+ 66.67%), Arezzo (+ 54.55%) e Siena (+ 50%).
In the country, gaps persist in thedigital evolution which registered unprecedented momentum and represented a lifesaver for many sectors, becoming an increasingly important asset for the future. Among the first, we highlight Florence, awarded by the digital transformation index prepared by the PA Forum, while Viterbo leads the number of SPIDs provided per thousand inhabitants, Monza and Brianza by the participation of public organizations that depend on the only platform PagoPa and, finally, Milan by the incidence of e-commerce companies in the total.