Bologna, September 16, 2020 – Attacked at home. Forced to run away on the street, hurting herself when climbing the balustrade, to escape from the hands of that man, who blocked and raped her. Anna (name is fictitious) is in shock. Your family members don’t feel like saying what it is girl, a young man of twenty, has suffered. At home, in broad daylight. We are in the complex of houses that surrounds the piazzetta dei Colors, In the area Massarenti. It was just after noon when a man, identified by the police who have him arrested In a 30-year-old Ghanaian, he climbed the wall and entered the girl’s garden. She was alone at the time.
perhaps I just wanted to steal But when he saw the 20-year-old, his ideas changed. He grabbed it and pull. Blocked it, ripping it off clothes out of her, hitting her to make her give in, as she screamed and struggled to escape the man’s grasp. That shock and hers desperate screamsIn the silence of noon, they were heard by the neighbors, who called 112. Meanwhile, she had managed to free herself and escape, climbing, naked as it was, the wall to seek help on the street. A patrol from the radio car rushed into the street. And the ambulance was also called, to help the victim, wound and in a state of shock, then accompanied by the Major. When Arma’s soldiers entered the ground floor apartment, the thirty-year-old was still there. He did not resist and was immediately handcuffed and escorted to the Dozza, detained by sexual violence.
The agression suffered by the girl shocked the entire neighborhood, recalling the residents terrible episodes not too far back in time. Here lived the fifteen-year-old girl who, on February 14, 2009, was beaten and raped in Via Mattei by Jamel moamib, 43-year-old irregular Tunisian. That, after serving only six years and six months condemnation For that inhuman brutality, he was arrested again in January 2018, for trying to rape a 42-year-old Romanian woman a few streets away, in via Bassa dei Sassi. In broad daylight, at 9 in the morning. Only the intervention of two workers had saved the woman from the terrible fate that had befallen her. fifteen years old.
And now, The attack on Monday morning awakens fear in the inhabitants of that scarf of ex Iacp case. They also do a lot every day to make their neighborhood more welcoming. “The other morning I saw one run patrol from the carabinieri to the civic group in the background – says a merchant who works on the street -. I did not understand what had happened, but I saw that in that part of the complex It usually happens to see the police arrive, I didn’t worry too much. But here, bad people often turn around. Those who live there live these presences, with fear, with patience. They are people who have nothing to lose and that makes them dangerous. “
Outside a bar, some people discuss the attack: “After 6 o’clock in the afternoon I go home and never go out,” says a resident. “It’s scary at night, it’s not safe to even go down to throw out the trash or go for a walk. to the dog “.
For some, the main problem arises from the proximity to the old Hub in via Mattei, “that structure does not facilitate things”, explains another inhabitant. “It is true that the police and the carabinieri are usually around, but probably not enough,” continues the merchant, who in the afternoon “is always careful, because bad things have happened here.”
Bad things that make it even more difficult for the many who, in piazzetta dei Colori, completely voluntarily, try to improve the life of the neighborhood, “a neighborhood where there are many weaknesses”, explains Sonia Paola Ferrari, who carries out inclusion projects. especially dedicated to the elderly, who are the majority of residents. And who, yesterday morning, were doing soft gymnastics all together in the square. Trying not to think about fear and loneliness.
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