Bloody afternoon in Milan. A 65-year-old man was killed in the street, in via Mauro Macchi (central station area), apparently during a robbery.
It all happened around 6:05 p.m. on Saturday, December 19, at the corner between via Macchi and via Scarlatti, according to the regional emergency company. The general lines of the matter are not clear and the carabinieri are investigating the case. Via della Moscova announced that the most credible hypothesis is that of a robbery that ended badly “perhaps by two non-Italian subjects.” The murder weapon, a knife, was found at the crime scene.
According to a first reconstruction, it seems that the victim (an Italian living in Naples) was under a scaffolding covered by plastic sheets; It is at this point where forensic findings are concentrated. The man was found dying on the ground by passers-by who raised the alarm; the rescue car had taken off and an ambulance and a code-red auto-medic had intervened at the scene, but unfortunately it was all useless.
Video: the crime scene
Law enforcement agencies are trying to capture images captured by CCTV cameras in the area. It is not ruled out that the electronic eyes have taken some useful element for the investigation.