«Blocking until May 3, we cannot frustrate the efforts. Eurobonds, we will fight to the end »


Coronavirus, Conte: «Closed until May 3. We will fight Eurobonds. Salvini and Meloni lie in the Month »»

Giuseppe Conte spoke at the press conference., explaining the extent of the confinement for Italy until May 3. “We extend the restrictive measures until May 3, a difficult but necessary decision for which I assume all political responsibilities. We cannot frustrate the efforts made so far. There would be an increase in deaths and victims. If we give in now, I risk starting again, be careful for Easter too. The hope is that after May 3 we can start again cautiously and gradually, but start again: it will depend on our efforts. Since April 14, stationery stores and bookstores are open, as well as baby and child shops, and forest clearance, “says Conte.

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And again. “I promise that if the conditions are met even before May 3, we will try to take action accordingly. Work for phase 2 has already begun, we cannot wait for the virus to disappear from our territory. We need an articulated and organic program on two pillars: an expert working group and the workplace safety protocol, “says Conte.

So. “Our determination is to loosen the measures for all production activities as soon as possible to restart the engine of our country at full speed as soon as possible: we are not yet in a position to do so, we have to wait longer. Companies disinfect workplaces now, “says Conte.

Then the question Month. «Italy has not signed the activation of the Month, it is inadequate. The Month has existed since 2012, it was not established yesterday or activated last night as Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni declared falsely and irresponsibly. This government does not work in favor of darkness: it looks Italians in the face and speaks clearly, “says Conte. “I evaluate the European proposal as a whole in the European Council: let’s fight for Eurobonds. The common answer is ambitious or not, we have no alternative. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte says so during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi. “I will not sign until I have a range of instruments suitable for the challenge we are experiencing, which does not concern Europe or all member states. I am convinced that with our tenacity and the strength of reason we will be able to convince everyone. Now we will dedicate ourselves to the decree on the economic measures that we want to adopt before the end of April. “

of the solidarity contribution Proposed by the Democratic Party “This is the first time I have heard about it today. We did not mention it at the table of the heads of delegation, the government did not make any proposal of this type and I do not see it on the horizon.

The Prime Minister had met with the heads of delegation of the majority forces. He took stock of the new Dpcm. Among the reasons for the continued restrictions, the fear of a recovery of the virus as happened in Hong Kong.

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However, the real problem seems to be negotiating with Europe.. The M5S has been cutting for hours the possibility of Italy accessing the Month, the state savings fund, if only to access medical assistance (36 billion euros) that would have no restrictions. In the last 36 hours there has also been a very tough document signed by 11 Grillini MPs. And slowly all the pentastellati converge in a very intransigent position. Contrary to that, much more open, of the Democratic Party and, in particular, of the axis between the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri with the Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the EU, Paolo Gentiloni. However, last night’s negotiation seems not to have finished according to the expectations of Conte, who in recent days had declared: “No Month, yes Eurobond.” The M5S is ready to fight in this regard, not even to give a free hand to sovereigns, such as Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, who begin to denounce “the sale of Italy to European bureaucrats”.

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However, the Month, if only to cover health care costs, should go through the green light of the Chambers and the M5S, the first force in parliament, is ready to build a wall. “At the cost of doubting Conte too.” Vito Crimi, political leader of the grillini, was clear this morning: «our line in the Month does not change: no to
measures that the citizens risk having to pay dearly in the future. “It is not excluded that Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and, above all, leader of the grillini, will always come out this afternoon, always in this position. since the press conference is long in coming. Conte is forced to find a more complicated mediation with his allies. The day will also announce the extension of the closure.

But there is also another very hot front: it is the mini-sheet. The group of the Democratic House Party, in full harmony with the party, “proposes a solidarity contribution of the highest income” for 2020 and 2021 “to be paid by citizens with incomes above 80,000 euros and which will affect the surplus part this threshold “, explain dem Graziano Delrio and Fabio Melilli.” It does not exist. “The M5S bowls without any
The proposal made by the Democratic Party, or a solidarity contribution for income of more than 80 thousand euros, doubts. Grilline government sources explain to Adnkronos that “such proposals do not exist for us, this is the time to give to citizens, not to put our hands in our pockets.”

Antonio Zennaro, M5S MP and member of the Finance Committee, is even more explicit: «« We need to reduce taxes. Not absolute to new income or property taxes and any kind of measure that increases the level of tax burden among the highest in the world. Italy already in crisis avoids the depressive effects on the economy. You need a cheap control room. Stop Vito Crimi: «The proposed solidarity contribution
of the Democratic Party is «your initiative. We have graciously and unitedly proposed to parliamentarians to cut their wages, which the M5 are already doing without receiving a response. Now is not the time to ask for more sacrifices from Italians, we continue to oppose any form of property. Also the Vice Minister of Development Stefano Buffagni It is contrary: “If the Democrats want retirement, they start with their salary.”

But its chaos is also in the Democratic Party. Secretary Nicola Zingaretti makes it clear that he was caught by surprise by Delrio and Melilli. I knew that there was this discussion in the group, but not that it would be formalized in these terms and times. On this proposal also Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi’s party attacks with the “no”. For the deputy Luciano Nobili it is “crazy”. Because, he explains, “the moment the country does not pay
only in a state of medical emergency, but in a real liquidity emergency it is crazy to ask the Italians for money ».

Even the center-right is compact against the Covid tax advanced by the parliamentary group dem. Forza Italia leaders in the House and Senate, Maria Stella Gelmini and Annamaria Bernini, rejected without appeal the idea of ​​the Democratic Party: “They must be arrested.” Reviews also from Lega and Fratelli d’Italia. Matteo Salvini Attacks: “They promote the Month and prepare new taxes: they must be stopped”

At Conte’s table there is also, finally, without order of importance, the theme of reopening and “phase two”. Unions would like Conte to also announce a schedule to unlock industrial activities today.

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Yesterday, the Mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, also participated in the control room with the Prime Minister. «We have presented ideas, however, we will talk about gradual reopening. We all made a great effort. We must avoid falling back into the contagion phase. Nobody thinks that from May 4 we will return to the way we did before. Prudence should be our beacon, “explained the mayor to Radiosei.

Last update: 20:48

