
Giada Oricchio
The Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, invited to the episode on Wednesday, December 23, of “L’Aria che Tira”, Myrta Merlino’s news program on LA7, takes stock of the situation regarding vaccines and closures: “Yes to the closures selective. English variant? Bassetti is right. “
Pierpaolo Sileri explains the next vaccination campaign for Covid-19: “We started with the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, the storage places are ready, there are few sites close to 30 of the 300 already communicated, I think everything will be easier than the worries expressed so far. Obviously 60 million vaccines do not arrive all together, but gradually throughout 2021. I am a little more cautious with herd immunity, it will depend on when the other vaccines are authorized, if they receive the green light in the first quarter 2021 It is possible that a good part of Italians are vaccinated for the summer, but that does not mean herd immunity, so in my opinion we will have to wait until the end of 2021 ”.
On Professor Walter Ricciardi’s invitation to implement reasonable closures: “I agree. I continue with the same idea as in April 2020, we need selective and surgical closures, the winning model is the stop & go according to infections and we will also do it in 2021 if necessary ”.
Shortly before, Dr. Matteo Bassetti had clarified that the English variant is not English at all: “This mutation was found months ago in Bologna by researchers. It’s a big bubble! Do we want to stop looking for it in countries with almond eyes? We have to invest in genomics, in virology, how many virologists or genomics scholars are there on the Scientific Technical Committee? Zero! Here, the Minister of Health, Hope, had to listen to the doctors, it is useless to block flights, it is not necessary! We must invest in science, today we work with research funds. Why have all countries stopped flights? Because there is the emulation effect. The first one who does it, the others chase him ”.
A statement that Sileri is half married: “Matteo Bassetti and I did not meet, but also in my opinion it is much more widespread, the English variant in our country should be sought where there have been large infections, sudden clusters must be checked, in my opinion it has been circulating in Europe for some time. The closure of flights, on the other hand, was successful because it serves to give the maximum possible precaution, now we need plan B, that is, the measures for the repatriation of compatriots “.
The vice minister also returns to the confrontation last Sunday in “Non è l’Arena” with Claudio D’Amario, director of the Health Department of the Abruzzo Region and former director general of prevention of the Ministry of Health: “I respect him and you offend him Sunday (“Sileri is neither a virologist nor an epidemiologist“, Nda). But the truth is that the plan against the pandemic was out of date. The new Coronavirus was known in early January and the WHO had told us to use the old pandemic plan but when I read it I saw that there were gaps”.
