Blockade at Christmas, dispute in the Cts. “It is up to the government to decide” – Chronicle


The CTS is divided into the measures that will be launched for Christmas, while the Government (equally divided) hopes to understand, through today’s debate in the Senate, which majority it can count on in case it is necessary to foresee drastic closures during the holidays, the German Model, but not only. “From the days before the holidays, until January 6 and 7, we think it will be more useful for everyone to close as much as possible – Minister Boccia urges -. It is a position, mine and Hope’s, that we want to share with the Regions. The question is ‘let’s have a Christmas dinner’, my answer is no. “Dpcm Christmas: what can change for travel and curfew Rulings, right now. Because politics, especially at the executive level, was waiting for the ‘light’ of science before releasing a new dpcm with a possible new lock inside, …

the Cts divisions in the measures to be put in place for the Christmas, while the government (equally divided) hopes to understand, through today’s debate in the Senate, which majority it can count on in case it is necessary to foresee drastic closures during the holidays, the German model, but not only. “From the days before the holidays, until January 6 and 7, we believe that it is more useful for everyone to close as much as possible – Minister Boccia presses -. It’s a position, mine and hope, with whom we want to share Regions. If the question is ‘let’s have dinner on Christmas’, my answer is no. ”

Dpcm Christmas: what you can change for travel and curfew

Opinions, for now. Because politics, especially at the executive level, was waiting for the ‘light’ of science before launching a new dpcm with a possible new lock, but these ‘lights’ have not arrived. Or rather: the Cts divided, last night, precisely on the subject of possible closings. The three general directors of the Ministry of Health, Achille Iachino, Andrea Urbani and Giovanni Rezza They did not sign the final act, highlighting the split on the decision not to indicate concrete measures and in fact, handing over to politics the responsibility of making drastic and deeply unpopular decisions.

Dpcm and Christmas, a tense meeting of the CTS

Scientists, as it has been known, have shared the line of rigor after the multitude of streets and squares of the weekend. And for this they have issued a favorable opinion on restrictive measures to prevent the contagion curve from rising again. It’s just that they haven’t given the list of places to intervene. He was the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, to underline the risks of meetings “in the places where the mask is lowered”, therefore, bars, restaurants and shops. More generally, interventions were requested to avoid gatherings, but nothing more specific than what was already foreseen in the Dpcm of December 3.

In short, that ‘light’ of science that, according to those inside, should have pointed the way to the government in the darkness of the second wave and to avoid the third, yesterday remained weak, almost imperceptible.

This morning, therefore, the expected confrontation between the Government and the Regions to put the measures’ on the ground ‘before a totally yellow Italy takes off, in fact, will start from a sheet with only three points inside, all to’ fill in ‘. OR, strengthening of control mechanisms guarantee the current regulations with the “massive” participation of the police. Then you will have to avoid uncontrolled aggregation of people, both in places open to the public and at home. Finally, it is suggested that the yellow zone (in which practically all the regions will be from Saturday 20), it would not be enough.

Therefore, we want a new blockade throughout Italy between Christmas and New Year? Nobody says it explicitly and the CTS does not ‘indicate’, returning everything to the government table. Yesterday, in the orbit of the executive, there was talk of establishing a kind of reinforced ‘orange’ zone, that is to say, closing bars and restaurants and for a vacation ‘closing’ shops as well, but “it is not easy – observed a minister – to say.” Italians who don’t even have to greet relatives at Christmas and keep quiet at home ”. At night it is Conte himself And at night it is the premier himself who announces the “plan for the Christmas holidays” with a “touch up” that will lead to “some additional measures”.

To push the government onto too slippery ground, of course Renzi, which continues to urge the government to decide clearly: “You have to have a position and keep it, not change it every three days saying ‘Close!’, then ‘No, we can move between municipalities!’ and finally ‘No, the red zone of all Italy!’ “. Italy Long Live decided to act by presenting its motion in the Senate, in view of the debate (with subsequent vote) that will take place today. The Renzianos commit the government to evaluate any new restrictive measure, or the relaxation of the measures already planned for the Christmas period and, in particular, for the ‘super holidays’, only on the basis of reliable scientific data. A ‘trap’ for Conte, after the CTS, as we said, dissolved.
