
He started first Filippo Anelli, President of the Fnomceo (National Federation of Surgeons and Dentists), which yesterday officially requested the total lock throughout Italy in light of the alarming data on the second wave of coronavirus, with a new increase in hospitalizations and hospitalizations in intensive care. And today even fellow anesthetists, hospital doctors and nurses went out into the field to make the same request aloud: we need the to block of the country to cool the contagion curve and to alleviate the pressure on the national health system, very close to collapse even in the areas that according to the last Dpcm are yellow, therefore, of lower risk.
Palermo: “Flatten the curve. We will return to war medicine”
Echoing Rings, who spoke of a dramatic situation and the possibility of count another 10,000 deaths from Covid-19 within the next month, it was Carlo Palermo, national secretary of Anaao Assomed, the hospital’s physicians union, who explained to theActed that “with the worrying data on infections and deaths and with the Regions disputing the figures that classify them as red zones, the only solution is a National closure of 6-8 weeks to flatten the curve. “For Palermo,” we are huge to delay and we can no longer witness this rebound of responsibility between the Regions and the government. “When the government closed everything in March,” we were better than now, “Palermo observes, sure that” if we continue with this trend, it is easy to foresee that we will have to make a selection between who can be intubated and who cannot. We will return to war medicine“.
Vergallo: “Intensive therapy is expected to double in 7 days”
This morning he also launched an appeal for an immediate closure Alessandro Vergallo, President of the Association of Hospital Anesthetists (Aaroi), according to which he “admitted that the measures introduced by the last Dpcm work, to see the first results we will have to wait about ten days “, a time that the country does not seem to have.” We expect a real doubling in the next few days. And ours is a photograph of the real risk ”. That is why Vergallo launches an appeal for “everyone to do their part to avoid a closing, maybe we still have time. “But given the data,” if we didn’t have such a weakened economy, we would have to go into a lockdown because the hospitals are overloaded. “For the president of anesthesiologists, the cause of this situation is partly in the basic general medicine that “has not yet found a role in this fight against the pandemic.” For Vergallo, “the official figure published by the government of 8,000 beds in intensive care is overestimated. The real ones and immediately ready are at least 1,000 less, but regardless of the number, the second wave does not ride to enhance intensive care.” the problem is solved downstream but not upstream. “
The Nurses Call: “Act before it is too late.”
Numerous regional and provincial orders of doctors have joined the requests to strengthen restrictions in the territories (at the provincial or regional level) and to proceed with the rapid recruitment of doctors and nurses, as the Order of doctors of the province of Sassari and as for days it has been asking, in terms of staff strengthening, the Order of Doctors of Milano. In some regions, the “yellow” zone, that is to say, of medium risk, nurses also went out to the field as in Liguria where the Order of Nursing Professions has asked Governor Toti to urgently order a closure: “We must not delay any longer and take the appropriate initiatives to combat the current health emergency.” Same situation in Campania where Ciro Carbone, president of OPI Napoli, the Neapolitan Order of Nurses, asked “on behalf of all pediatric nurses and nurses of the Order of the Province of Naples more restrictive measures for the protection of public health and the safeguarding of our family professional Nurses, says Carbone again, are working on extreme conditions, with exhausting shifts, with insufficient and not always adequate Dpi and with the serious shortage of personnel reported on several occasions. The number of infected pediatric nurses and nurses is now uncontrollable. Let’s fix it before it’s too late. “
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