Black and White Cecchi Paone: “Salvini is over.” Buttafuoco: “No, it’s like Super Mario”


The regional elections ended with a draw that left a bad taste in the mouth of the center-right. Matteo salvini He failed the “coup” in Tuscany and lost many votes in the South, but he remains the leader of the party with the most votes in the coalition. We asked journalists Alessandro Cecchi Paone and Pietrangelo Buttafuoco for a comment on their performance.

Matteo Salvini won or lost?

Cecchi Paone: “Salvini lost because he continues to dramatize each election as if it were a referendum on him and his desire for revenge for the disaster he committed a year ago. People are fed up because when they vote for the management of Puglia, Tuscany or Emilia they do not care about Salvini’s fate. “

Buttafuoco: “Salvini is the Super Mario Bros of videogames. Each stage is increasingly difficult so in my opinion is still at stake. The game is over because he always has his 26%”.

What vote would you give to Salvini’s electoral campaign?

Cecchi Paone: “Since he lost, a failure. Obviously something went wrong.”

Buttafuoco: “From the propaganda point of view Salvini deserves 10, but from the political point of view 5. It is a beautiful paradox to win in order to claim a defeat, while on the other hand they lose and go to the collection of power.”

Is Salvini finished or does he still have the leadership of the center right?

Cecchi Paone: “At the moment the center-right has no leader because Berlusconi, unfortunately, is extraordinary to resist the ailments, however, he has ailments and they limit his freedom of action. Meloni thought about making a breakthrough in Puglia and he did not. Salvini continues to lose all the battles that he himself mistakenly declares fundamental. All three are very weak. He was convinced that he would come out with a center-right driven by Meloni in case of a victory in Puglia or driven by Salvini in case of a victory in Tuscany. Both lost in the decisive places and, therefore, no one currently leads the center right. “

Buttafuoco: “Giovanni Toti has just declared: it always depends on him. It is up to him to become the leader of the coalition and build a ruling class that represents all the voices of the center-right.”

Who should fear more: Meloni or Zaia?

Cecchi Paone: “Zaia must fear more, who has already surpassed him sensationally for a different style and for a moderate political line and also because he gathers consensus among the moderates of the center-left. Salvini’s season is over (we do not care about the person) as much as the la la the idea of ​​an entrenchment of the extreme right that, apparently, neither the Italians nor the voters of the Lega themselves like ”.

Buttafuoco: “A quality of the center-right is precisely the plurality of leaderships. Unlike the left that is always in search of the foreign Pope, the center-right abounds in sovereigns. I think Zaia has no interest in competing with the national leadership because the nation of Zaia is called Veneto and, beyond Veneto, it does not set foot. “
