Bitti’s tragedy: Coldiretti mourns his partner who died in the flood


Mud and stones in the streets of Bitti (photo Massimo Locci)

Ilario Giuseppe Mannu’s breeder remembered by the leaders of the Nuoro-Ogliastra group

CAGLIARI. The farmer who died on November 28 in Bitti during the flood was a Coldiretti partner. Ilario Giuseppe Mannu He was 55 years old and raised sheep and cows. «A dramatic news that has shaken us – comment the president and the director of Coldiretti Nuoro Ogliastra, Leonardo Salis me Alessandro serra – We are close together with all our partners to his family of our partner and those of the other Bitti victims. A tragic day for Sardinia and for Bitti in particular, but also for the agricultural world which is experiencing difficult times at this time.

From a first and partial update there are also several and important damages to the farms. There are many isolated breeders, in addition Done in the entire surrounding area up to Dorgali, due to bridges and roads washed away by the fury of the water. Others are working in precarious conditions without electricity and are trying to save the animals and the company. Damage is recorded in all sectors, in addition to the livestock sector, also in the agricultural sector with flooding of fields and agricultural structures and vehicles. Not to mention the great inconveniences caused by the roads that hinder and in some cases make access to the farms impossible.

“We are in constant contact with our members – concludes President Salis -. Unfortunately, we are still on high alert so it’s time to wait and be very careful. As Coldiretti beyond solidarity we are close and ready to give our help. (Handle).
