BioNtech, the Covid vaccine will have low and differentiated prices. It will be accessible to everyone. The drug developed mainly with public funds


BionTech, the German biotechnology company that together with the US. Pfizer is producing the Covid vaccine which has given excellent results so far, announced today that the drug will be sold at prices “Far below the market rate”. This is due to “the situation we are in,” explained the BionTech strategy manager. Ryan Richardson. Richardson also said that he expects prices differentiated in different regions of the world to enable wide access to the vaccine everywhere.

BioNtech, which in the last year has its market value multiplied by six, underlined how it has invested since 2008 more than one billion euros for technology necessary for the development of this type of vaccine. However, it must be said that the research and development of an anti-Covid drug has been largely funded by public funds. An excessive profit from the product would not fail to arouse reactions and controversy, for example, last June the European Investment Bank issued a check for 100 million euros in favor of BionTech and large loans were also disbursed in the US.

They should be marketed in 2020 50 million doses of the new drug which would then rise to 1.3 billion by 2021. Each person has to repeat the treatment twice, so that in the next year they can be vaccinated approximately. 650 million people. Based on what the US government has already paid for the drug developed by Pfizer and BionTech, the cost of a full treatment should be around 36 euros.

Meanwhile, we learn that the The European Commission is expected to sign an agreement soon to buy up to 300 million doses . The Commission said the green light, which comes after months of talks, it’s not related to yesterday’s big announcement. This is the latest in a series of Covid-19 purchase agreements entered into by the EU executive with various pharmaceutical companies.

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