
“For no sure reason.” Behind the arrest of Antonio De Marco, the pharmaceutical science student accused of the brutal murder of the Lega Pro referee Daniele de santis and his girlfriend Eleonora Manta, there would be one last yellow. Because it has them stabbed to death? Why such ferocity? Investigators’ suspicion, outlined by Lecce’s chief prosecutor Camp Lion, it’s disturbing. The murder had to be “one representation for the city community“, an almost theatrical representation attested, as explained by the magistrate, by the discovery in the couple’s apartment clamps It should have been used to immobilize the victims.
Probably the situation has degenerated, between screams and broken glass, and the very young student would have decided to kill Daniele and Eleonoa and then escape. Almost certainly, however, the “very strong premeditation“explains De Castris: the murderer, caught on camera, escaped by covering his head with a Hood and was perfectly aware of the arrangement of the system surveillance of the condo, of which he even had a map drawn on a sheet of paper. What makes the painting even more mind-blowing, and the true cornerstone of yellow, is the fact that the student had been Roommate of the couple for some time. This link could reveal why the killer wanted torturing his victims and “expose” them to the whole city, in a hideous delusion of blood.