Bills: electricity + 4.5% and gas + 5.3% in the first quarter of 2021 – Economy


High prices of wholesale raw materials, returned to the levels of a year ago, in the first quarter of 2021 leading to an increase in energy bills for the typical family in protection of + 4.5% for electricity and + 5 , 3% for gas. As for gas, explains Arera, the data is also linked to the usual seasonality with the relative winter growth in demand. Regarding the effects on consumers (before taxes), the typical family still benefits from an overall savings of approximately 146 euros / year.

In detail, for electricity, the expenditure for the typical family (one that has an average electricity consumption of 2,700 kWh per year and a committed power of 3 kW; for gas, the consumption is 1,400 cubic meters per year) in year between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 will be approximately 488 euros, with a variation of -10.2% compared to the 12 equivalent months of the previous year (April 1, 2019 – March 31 2020), corresponding to a saving of about 55 euros / year.
In the same period, the typical household expenditure on the gas bill will be around 950 euros, with a variation of -8.8% compared to the equivalent 12 months of the previous year, which corresponds to a saving of about 91 euros / year.
“This quarter’s change gives us a dynamic substantially in line with seasonal trends and with raw material values ​​not very different from last year,” says Arera’s president, Stefano Besseghini. “In general, the price and volume anomalies linked to the Covid emergency allowed households to save during the year with a residual benefit that will continue in the first quarter of 2021. The prospects for economic recovery and The desire for the health situation evolves for the better, now more than ever it forces us to focus our attention on those interventions and investments that can contribute to improving the Italian bills ”.