You understood, Raffaella Fico? After the rumors about the recent break up with Giulio Fratini, her boyfriend, lets go of “indecent proposals” on the competitors of the Big Brother Vip. Meanwhile, it is whispered, he would be ready to enter the reality show house. Alfonso Signorini, in Canale 5. And interviewed by the latter a Chi House, the Fico let himself go up Mario Ermito: “It’s cute enough, that’s what it is bothers me moreA very clear endorsement: anyway, Ermito, if Fico enters the house, you would do well to watch his back. So, about Mario Balotelli and the episode of the concussion-sentence with Dayane Mello, Fico explains: “Mario is very instinctive and unfortunately he does not reflect, what he said is not beautiful, but he did not reason. He thought he was in his living room. home ”, he concluded.