Big Brother Vip, Salvo Veneziano publishes the hot video of Giulia Salemi and the web uploads: “Shameful” – Libero Quotidiano


Another case falls into the Big Brother Vip. Once again ends in the center Giulia Salemi. To bring it up is a former Channel 5 show competitor, Except Venetian. The former Gieffino shared on his Instagram profile a video taken from Panorama about the Spanish reality show in which the Italian-Persian influencer participated. Here we see Salemi spending a night of passion with another competitor. At the bottom of the comment: “I did not know that Giulia Salemi was also famous in Spain.” To put “I like” none other than the father Pierpaolo pretelli, in addition to being a competitor of Alfonso Signorini’s house with whom Salemi is flirting. Immediate comments of disdain showered on social media: “You are giving little good to Giulia. And Pretelli’s father that he likes is shameful, ”many write.

Watch out for this video of Elisabetta Gregoraci and Zorzi: Giulia Salemi is doing very badly.  Discarded?  |  Video
