“He has crossed the line.” Elisabetta gregoraci, fresh out of Big Brother Vip, the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini on Channel 5, lash out Antonella Elia, racy commentator in the studio. And it does so by choosing precisely Chi, the weekly run by Signorini himself. The accusation is heavy: Elías would not know how to dose the words well. “He often didn’t. Overcome the fine line between the pointed comment and the personal attack,” explains the former de Flavio briatore, at the center of the controversy in the house for his “particular” friendship with Pier paolo Pretellthat is, some outbursts of jealousy when Striscia’s former velino approached the news Giulia Salemi. Signorini, on the other hand, “was protective”, while the other commentator baby “He is very prepared,” although Gregoraci did not lower his continuous and malicious references to Briatore.