“Fortunately they are not Elisabetta gregoraci“. Sidereal frost on the table Big Brother Vip, the Canale 5 reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini. Came into the house on Friday night Cecilia Capriotti He immediately hit ex-wife hard Flavio briatore, with a pronounced joke, however, in front of a very embarrassed Pierpaolo Pretelli.
“But with those bracelets do you think you are Elisabetta? No, because you are not her,” said Stefania Orlando, agitated by Signorini, welcoming Capriotti. “I wanted to answer ‘but luckily I’m not Elisabetta'” Cecilia revealed at the table. I mean, it’s not like I’m saying ‘you’re not Sofia Loren‘. With much respect, but let’s go. Alfonso is really terrible, I combined it as soon as I entered ”. And Pierpaolo listens in silence, covering his face with his hands.