The reality show, hosted by Alfonso Signorini, celebrates the New Year with all the VIPs of the fifth edition of Gf Vip.
Early afternoon Channel 5 special date with “Big Brother Vip Happy New Year“. A night of singing, dancing and fun challenges live from Cinecittà, to greet 2020 and warmly welcome the new year.
Gf Vip: Happy New Year, special date tonight at Canale 5
On the stage of Gf Vip Pupo, Fausto Leali, The Kolors and Cristiano Malgioglio they will be the main protagonists of the singing performances. There will be burlesque performances, singing competitions, dances and parades between the “Vippos” who, divided into two teams, will try to avoid spending the first days of 2021 in Cucurio.
Also, to celebrate the 50th episode of 2020. Valeria Marini and Rita RusicAlways bitter enemies, they will participate in an overwhelming supersexy ballet. Finally, the good resolutions for 2021 and the horoscope of There is alberti which will also have a “counter horoscope” packaged by Tommaso zorzi.
The date with Grande brother vip happy new year, he’s waiting for us tonight from 21 live on channel 5.
Discover the latest news about Big Brother Vip.