Alfonso Signorini The episode began on Friday, September 25, counting the story between Gabriel Garko and Adua Del Vesco, actress and contestant on this edition of the reality show Canale5. A story that at the time found a lot of space (also) on the covers of gossip newspapers. A story with a happy ending? “Who knows”. And so the host immediately “played” the surprise card of this episode, because Garko’s guest was not expected. “I’ve been apnea since yesterdayThe actor began. “It is not easy – he continued – it will not be easy. Adua and I are still very good friends and I wrote her a letter ”. With these words Gabriel Garko has entered the study of Big Brother Vip. And ‘prepared’ her entry into the House. “I’m sure you will hear things you don’t want to hear. I’m sure a lot of people will judge it. I’m sure a lot of people won’t understand. And I’m sure it will be difficult for me, very difficult. But the only thing I can promise you is that you will only get the truth from me.These are the words written in the afternoon by Garko on your Instagram profile. And after a “calibrated” television, wait here he is, Gabriel Garko compared to former Adua Del Vesco. “I want to tell you things and I wrote you a letter – Garko began – Rosalinda. You never called me Darío, did you? He’s a boy I killed and I want to bring back to life. I know that some things that I am going to tell you will surprise you. Not because you didn’t know it but because I’m going to do it here and now. The two of us lived together a beautiful fairy tale, but it was a fairy tale … You have to find the girl in you, take care of her and think about what moment in your life you lost her. I did it. I found the child inside of me and put it through my whole life until today. I tell you the truth, I did not show the child the bad times, I covered his eyes. My little one noticed that he was not happy. Do you remember when I told you in San Remo that I wanted to start living? Here I did it. I said my real age, I began to live. Today I can no longer find a mask that fits me … We live a beautiful fairy tale and I would relive it a thousand times because you were there. But now I feel free to live my life with you as a friend, as we always have been. Many call it “the secret of pulcinella”. I wish I had a chance to say why it was a secret. And I tell you one thing, the truth will override any sign of silence. ” And Signorini, between everyone’s tears, commented: “You who have lived a false fairy tale until now, will begin to live a true one.” Then she asked Gabriel: “What is this Pulcinella secret?“” Ah Signorini, do I have to explain? This is not the time. I don’t think this should be understood and discussed, I just want to say why it was discussed, after all I don’t give a damn, ”Garko commented.
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