“Big Brother Vip”: De Grenet, Zenga and Ruta nominated


THE COMPARISON BETWEEN GIULIA AND PIERPAOLO – “I am disappointed, I have always been by your side, there are times when you are a child … I have always been close to you, and I have tried to give you advice, but I cannot put myself in the middle of things that do not concern me, like the relationship between you and Tommaso. Giulia, however, you manage to cheer me up, I am in love with you “, Pierpaolo says to Giulia during the confrontation. And the answer is immediate:” What you said is very true, I realize, I have lost my clarity, my strength, my smile, maybe I am not as determined as I thought. I apologize if at times I am a child but I specify that you have always been close to me and that I want to continue being with you ”.

SALEMI AGAINST ALL – “In the last weeks you have not been spared, you seem cohesive against Giulia”, Signorini attacks from the studio and Tommaso responds: “We do not speak anymore, I think everything is very clear”. “But is there friendship? I was expecting someone’s support,” Giulia intervenes, who also questions her relationship with Stefania. “But you isolated Giulia, giving the others some cuts,” replies the showgirl. Meanwhile Pierpaolo takes Giulia’s defense but Tommaso is not there: “But if each episode ends we have to listen to your tarantella” Signorini attacks the group: “At least Stefania and Tommaso say so, many of you speak in secret.” And to Pierpaolo he asks: “Will it also be like this outside?” Pretelli responds: “I would have preferred if you hadn’t made jokes like I asked you …”. Giulia apologizes: “I was wrong because I didn’t listen to him, but since I always hear comments about myself, I wanted to answer.”

STEFANIA MEETS THE FATHER – Stefania receives a pleasant surprise. A hug from your father Pietro. “Dad and I love each other very much, although we never had great confidence, he was very strict. A very present father but with whom I had little dialogue ”, admits Stefania. And her father reassures her: “Hello dear girl, you are very similar to me, but don’t you see it? We are very satisfied with your path, but you must understand that I have another education and say I love you. for me it was a way. But I’m telling you now ”.

MALGIOGLIO TOWARDS THE ROUTE – María Teresa Ruta has passed 21 nominations and is described by many tenants as a strategist. Outside, on Instagram, Cristiano Malgioglio tells him that he is a born actress. And Signorini makes the journalist listen to his words. “She is a great strategist, surely she has to open an acting school,” exclaims Cristiano from the studio while the sporty showgirl responds with a veil of irony: “What can I say … Malgioglio talks about me, I’m happy.” Although he accuses her of being “fake” in her own way, Ruta is happy.

ANDREA ZENGA AND MOTHER – After meeting her father Walter, Andrea Zenga was very touched. Even if he can count on his mother Roberta. Signorini sends him to the Confessional with the girls of the house and makes him listen to the words of the interview with his mother Roberta who tries to make peace with her ex-husband Walter: “In the end, there is only one life, there is always the time to make the peace and above all to apologize respectively. ”“ We are happy thanks to her, and if Dad wants, it can be a complement to an already happy life, ”responds Zenga excitedly.

BACCINI AND MARIA TERESA -After Alberto de Mónaco and Alain Delon, María Teresa spoke of a “flirtation” with the singer Francesco Baccini. The two, according to the journalist’s version, would have had an affair. The singer-songwriter then meets María Teresa: “I find you in good shape … twenty years have passed,” Francesco exclaims, smiling, remembering: “My song was not taken in Sanremo and during the festival, María Teresa invited me to console myself. Dinner and I remember that a man entered the house with the keys and started arguing with her. ”“ I confirm everything, let’s say that this man was a person I had been dating for five years, ”Ruta emphasizes. And Baccini responds: “I ran away from Alfonso, I didn’t know it.” The meeting ends with a romantic song: “I want to fall in love.”

ZENGA BETWEEN ROSALIND AND ZELLETTA’S SISTER – Andrea Zenga is undoubtedly the most courted man on GfVip. Inside and outside the house. And if with Rosalinda the feeling is visible to everyone, the two blush when they look at each other and lately they spend a lot of time together although the actress does not miss the opportunity to emphasize that she is committed to Giuliano. Meanwhile, Zelletta’s sister sends messages to the footballer’s son. Alessia reaches the garden and turns to Andrea: “You hit me right away, I’ll wait for you outside if you want, for an aperitif.” Rosalinda intervenes: “I leave it to her … I am happily engaged” while Zenga, amused, greets Andrea’s sister, who pretends to be upset, and sends her a kiss: “Thank you, see you for an aperitif.”

MESSAGE FROM DAYANE’S BROTHER – After the loss of her brother, Dayane receives the surprise of her brother Juliano in connection from Brazil. Juliano sends his sister a big hug and thanks everyone in the house: “Thank you for being close to my sister. Thank you Rosalinda for everything you do, really thank you all.” “Stay close to dad, I love you very much, luckily you are there, you are my life!”, Responds Dayane. For the final on March 1, Signorini wants to invite Juliano to Italy.

THE RESCUE CHAIN – María Teresa saves Zelletta, Andrea instead of Rosalinda, Cannavò chooses Tommaso, Zorzi saves Stefania, Orlando instead of María Teresa, Ruta instead of Giulia: thus De Grenet and Zenga are the first to be named. They are joined by Maria Teresa Ruta nominated by the group.
