Big Brother, “no effect”. The chilling response of Andrea Roncato about the former Stefania Orlando – Libero Quotidiano


Between Stefania Orlando me Andrea Roncato maybe the serene has not returned, and the Big Brother Vip on Channel 5 it doesn’t help. The protagonists of a love story as intense as it was convulsed in the 90s, the actor Emiliano and the Roman showgirl divorced 21 years ago. Both have rebuilt their lives and have new partners but Roncato, interviewed by the weekly New tv, seems to have an unexpected hatred.

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When asked what effect it has to see Stefania in the house of the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini, cut short: “It doesn’t affect me … The past has passed“Today Roncato is married to Nicole moscariello and says annoyed by the rumors of his supposed jealousy towards his ex-wife: “It’s a great nonsense, but obviously getting jealous is impressive. “And would he participate in Big Brother VIP?” I prefer to go to sell hats in front of the supermarket! “And Merry Christmas everyone.
