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No one wallows like Donald J. Trump in the sea of poison we swim in. The toxic broth is its natural element, it had closed the approach to the elections by announcing them dirty in case of defeat and clean in case of victory and, now that the victory is fading, the syllogism finds its necessary realization: they are the frauds, the scammers . , the corruption. It promises battle, fortunately legal, and for now, but already burns souls in a pre-civil war atmosphere. This is the tragedy and the extraordinary test of democracy that Gay Talese talks about in a formidable interview in Repubblica: the extraordinary test of democracy keeps pace with the mobilization that gives Joe R. Biden the highest number of votes in history from the United States. Tragedy beats the drum in the tones of a confrontation between two Americas that after years of grinding have nothing more to say to each other, and only have to come to blows.
But the formidable interview with Gay Talese must be read from top to bottom, and especially in the completely obvious lines in which it recalls the hostility towards Trump from television and newspapers, never so applied and relentless since the time of Adolf Eichmann. An article in the Gazette by the essential Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former doctor, committed far and wide to draw the parallels between the outgoing president with Adolf Hitler and Josip Stalin, are the real-time demonstration that the sea of poisoning bathes us to all.
I think Trump is a destroyer of democratic sentiment more in (his) narrative than in practice, and he is no less serious. He does not open his mouth except to identify plots, shady plots, to point out enemies, but not enemies like that, enemies of the people, poisoners of wells, hitmen of the great Carbonari, the dear old Christmas world threatened by dark algorithmic tyrants, and of We suddenly wake up in a community where conspiracy delusions are no longer the ready-to-wear response of some devotee to whom the Internet always offers a hole in which to find confirmation of hallucinations. A few days ago Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the United States, elevated to archbishop by Karol Wojtyla, wrote a long letter to the White House (which he thanked) to invest Trump with the ranks of general of the Forces of Good in battle final against The Great Reset, the diabolical plan – literally – of the Forces of Evil to transform humanity, with chips and tracking, into an army of consumers who will be deprived of private property, children and homeland and gender identity. Spread by respectable former MPs and authoritative commentators, the science fiction doctrine is also finding a growing following in Italy.
In what language can we speak with Cardinal Viganò today?
But going back to Gay Talese, there is never thesis without antithesis, and no extremism jumps out like a wonder. Trump and Trumpism, Talese says, are also the product of thirty years of stifling dictatorship of political correctness that has automatically and violently transformed into a fascist, racist, caveman, who, even occasionally, or even carelessly, has escaped from the new. exasperated lexicon and new official thinking. Any objection, even the most cautious and conciliatory, about the government of immigration, about the management of abortion, about the adoption of homosexual couples, about surrogacy, has been silenced by retrograde, obscurantist and Nazi. And many of our intellectuals (well-deserved definition) and our newspapers, self-proclaimed champions of rights, in the name of a grotesque anti-fascism have destroyed basic rights, that of privacy, the presumption of innocence, the respect that a democracy imposes is carried to the opponent.
Today there is no dominant thought, there are two, and they use exactly the same weapons, they face each other from opposite trenches and have no other possibility than to eliminate the enemy. Joe Biden has millions of things to do, but the first, the precondition of his presidency, is to work for a truce, not necessarily with Trump but necessarily with Trumpism, otherwise he will be little more than a Trump who knows how to sit down. table. We will also hear the consequences of your work in Italy.