The saga of the American presidential elections (a saga, as it should not be but it is it is, also due to an outdated electoral system) it is it was a mirror in which the Italian center-left it is reflex, eager to identify with a great victory. But in some cases, that reflection it is managed to look small and less small flaws. For example, by extolling the first vice president, Kamala Harris (also representing a mix of racial minorities), the left has highlighted her masculine monochromaticism. Italy has an extraordinary record, that the parties that belong to the field of the left (traditional beacons of emancipation) have done little or nothing to correct it: democratically elected institutions, by the mayors of medium-large citiesto for the presidents of the regions, they are incredibly mono-gender. If we put all these chosen in one room, the look would be immediate. Seen from the outside, the institutional left has enough masculine monochromaticism to impress anyone. But no one seems to notice or be impressed, even as he toasts America’s first vice president. If you saywhy not gender, but political ability should be the selection criteria. And here the donkey falls twice. First, because if gender were an irrelevant fact, it is unclear why Harris’s election was greeted with great enthusiasm. Second, why over the competence of many politicians, local and national, a regrettable veil should be spread; there would be many women able to combine them effortlessly.
If we move towards the right periphery of the institutional left, things will not improve. In these parts no it is I missed the opportunity to hail Joe Biden’s as a victory thanks to the center. Nothing moreor inaccurate, not to mention incorrect. The Democrats won thanks, first of all, to the sincere and convinced campaign of Berny Sanders, as was not the case of Hillary Clinton, who failed.I in fact, mobilizing the vote of the youth and of the working classes, that is much of what the moderates of our center define with some disgust as “the radicals.” Biden represents a coalition that is anything but moderate and centrist. The different political demands of social and redistributive justice, of the fight against “systemic” racial discrimination (words of Vice Harris), of the relief and even the cancellation of the debts of the university students, of the revision for the better (eg.it is with pior public commitment) of Obama’s health reform (in a Supreme Court ruling), of better salary conditions (which now force many workers to double or triple jobs, such as there is certainly workit is mom it is badly paid): These requests are anything but centrist. They are egalitarian and have played an important role in the victory of the Democrats. And then, where do you think you find “the center” in such a political and social theater?I polarized like that produced by Trump’s four years of violent and Manichean rhetoric?