Bicycle voucher, how it works and how to request it. Refund reduced to 60% (from 70%)


Rome, May 14, 2020 – Among the many measures planned by the Relaunch decree, keep being him bike voucher. Reduced from 70%, as it was written in the draft of May 10, to 60%, the 500 euros can still be used by applicants for the purchase of bicycles and other vehicles such as segways, hoverboards, scooters and monowheels. Let’s see in detail what the decree says.

Bike voucher, how it works

In the decree, art. 205, says that: “Residents of legal age in regional capitals, in metropolitan cities, in provincial capitals or in municipalities with a population greater than 50,000 inhabitants, are recognized as having ‘good mobility’, equivalent to 60 % of expenses in any case, not more than 500 euros, from May 4 to December 31, 2020, for the purchase of bicycles, including pedal bicycles, as well as vehicles for personal mobility with mainly electric propulsion ” The receipt, reads again, “can be requested only once and exclusively for one of the intended uses.” And therefore:

For whom?

To adult residents of cities with at least 50,000 inhabitants. In particular in regional capitals, in metropolitan cities and in provincial capitals. Therefore, travelers, students and external workers who have residences other than the work in which they study or work cannot benefit from the mobility voucher.

What means can I buy with the voucher?

Bikes, pedal bikes, segways, hoverboards, scooters, and monowheels.

When can I use the bonus?

The bonus can be used from May 4 to December 31, 2020.

Will I be able to buy a bicycle and a scooter?

No, the bonus can only be claimed once.

Will I receive 500 euros for the purchase of a bicycle?

No, the bonus is equal to 60% of the expense incurred (no longer, remember, 70% as it was written in the draft decree of May 10) and, in any case, do not exceed 500 euros. For example, if you buy a bike for 600 euros, the bonus will be 360 ​​euros (60% of 600 is 360).

How can I claim the bonus?

There are still many uncertainties and question marks on this point. In the decree, there is no reference to the ways in which the bonus can be obtained, although it is written that it can be used from May 4 and, therefore, also from now on. Most likely, the fund of 120 million euros established for the mobility voucher will be distributed among the various regions that will then define how to obtain the voucher. There are currently two scenarios: the beneficiary of the voucher may request a refund and then the voucher after purchasing the vehicle, submitting the request with the attached receipt. Or, the merchant can apply the discount directly and recover the difference by submitting sales documents. However, these remain hypotheses. Therefore, clarifications from the Government are expected.

Highway Code, introduced the definition of “bike path”

Another interesting point of the measures to promote sustainable mobility is the issue of the ‘bike path’. The Relaunch Decree establishes that: “the introduction of the” definition of ‘bike path’ “is foreseen within the legislative decree of April 30, 1992, n.285, and therefore within the Highway Code. understands, is still read in the decree, “the longitudinal part of the road, located on the right, delimited by a discontinuous white stripe, valid and for mixed use, adequate to allow the movement of the velocipeds in the same direction of travel of the other vehicles and marked with the velocipede symbol. The bicycle lane is part of the ordinary vehicle lane, with an exclusive destination for the circulation of velocipeds, eliminating all forms of traffic promiscuity with other types of vehicles, with undoubted advantages in terms of safety and aerodynamic traffic “.
