between hypotheses, early curfew


All Romagna, with the exception of Forlì, is in the ‘dark orange’ zone. But the situation, in the next few hours, could even get worse. The government and the regions are, in fact, prepared for new restrictions: half of Italy goes towards the red zone and ten regions could change color after the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health, the results of which are expected to on Friday. , and the order of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza that must enter into force on Monday, March 8.

Most of the Italian regions will be in the orange or red zone, although for now the government continues to say that a national closure is not in sight, while a total of ten territories could end up in the areas with the highest restrictions. And in the red zone our Emilia-Romagna could end, along with Campania and Abruzzo. At risk of the orange zone are Calabria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto, while Lazio and Puglia are at the limit of the parameters that activate the areas with the greatest restrictions.

“Among the hypotheses on the table there is an anticipated curfew and greater restrictions on the movement of people,” explained Minister Speranza, convinced that “unfortunately the figures are going to get even worse.” Even the president of Emilia-Romagna Stefano Bonaccini said he was concerned, explaining that “we must fight and limit the contagion with more restrictive measures on the indications that the regional health system gives us.”
