Fedez’s response is closer: “La Meloni provokes the Ferragnezes”, the Milanese rapper married to the well-known influencer writes on Twitter. Along with this phrase, however, Fedez reveals the memory of an event from a year ago: when in Lagosanto, in the province of Ferrara, a councilor elected in the Brothers of Italy quota was surprised by the police to buy cocaine .
“Everything is beautiful,” is the deliberately sarcastic comment that holds the entire post together.
Everything is beautiful pic.twitter.com/tWFuAt8Ge4
– Fedez (@Fedez) September 14, 2020
Defend Meloni thinks so Giovanbattista Fazzolari, Senator of FdI, who responds on Facebook: “The social singing duo Fedez-Ferragni returns today to attack Giorgia Meloni with mystifications typical of those who are used to living on gossip and gossip. It is not clear if it is a desperate need for visibility, have the photos of their backs ended, or the prelude to their greater commitment in politics. They will have legitimately thought that given the average level of communicators, intellectuals and politicians of reference of the pentapiddine government they too can play their cards and become points. period. reference of the cultural panorama of the Italian left. In reality, not everyone is wrong. I immediately suggest a conference at the Festa dell’Unità: From Gramsci to Fedez-Ferragni evolution of the left. Best wishes”.
?? ATTACKS ON MELONI: FEDEZ FERRAGNI NEW INTELLECTUALS FROM THE LEFT? The social singing duo Fedez Ferragni returns …
Posted by Giovanbattista Fazzolari on Monday, September 14, 2020
Just a few days ago, in the middle of the electoral tour and dealing with many other issues – from the investigation into the League’s funds to the political unknowns linked to the September 20-21 vote – the leader of the League, Matteo salviniWhen asked, he dismissed the issue: “I’ll send Ferragni a big kiss, I don’t mind answering him.”