“To date, there is no longer any trust between the majority and the prime minister.” To put it clearly is Ettore Rosato, vice president of the Chamber and coordinator of Italia viva. “The premier has wasted it,” he specified in the broadcast. Schedule At Skytg24, “there is no longer trust not only in us, we say things that many other majority partners say. You have to rebuild it if you want to move on. Rosato’s words come after days of great tension between Mattero Renzi, leader of Italia viva, and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Renzi challenges the Prime Minister (in addition to a series of issues that stem from the economic maneuver) part of the decisions taken during the coronavirus health emergency. The leader of Italia viva rejects the method and type of governance that Conte has envisaged for the management of the Recovery fund, he encourages the use of the Medical Month in which the government is currently a niche. Several times these days, Renzi has evoked the crisis of government in the absence of different options on the part of the prime minister (whose tendency to centralize important options has also been criticized by the Democratic Party, although in disagreement with Renzi).
“No to secret projects”
Rosato now seems to pull the sprint to tears. Italia viva is a majority member along with Pd, Leu and M5S. In Palazzo Madama it has 18 senators, 30 deputies in the Chamber. Decisive figures to keep a Giallorossi government standing, even if today among voters the polls give Italy with only 3%. But Rosato is not looking at parliamentary figures or polls. He explains: «This problem is solved by the prime minister or for us this government is over. Renzi does not have the resignations of the IV ministers ready, our ministers have them ready ». Adding: «Even the ministers of the M5S did not appreciate that the subdivision of 209 billion arrived at 2 am, without discussing it with anyone, secreting projects. A division that Conte thought at 9 in the morning that it approved the CDM, together with the measures that the CDM and Parliament commissioned. Either the premier resolves it or the government ends for us.
“We argue with the opposition”
According to Rosato, thanks to “the pandemic, Conte has accumulated a power that no prime minister has had before him.” Now “you need collegiality, not a single man in charge. This country has never endured them alone in command. “There is a problem of transparency and we in IV will never support a non-transparent government. Minister Amendola says there is no spectrum? I’m happy, but the recovery fund projects are classified. How do you ask a minister to approve secret projects? It is arrogance. There is an action by a non-transparent government that we will never support. We have made many useless working groups and general statements: time has been lost ». The issue of European resources with which to cope with the post-pandemic is crucial in the aut aut de Italia viva expressed in Rosato’s words. “We at the Recovery Fund, says the vice-president of the Chamber,” believe that we must discuss with the opposition: there are 15 Regions governed by the center-right, we cannot think of not discussing with them how to use European resources in their territory. And then it is necessary to involve the productive categories, the social partners, even the unions. We must use these resources for a great reconstruction of the country. Rosato concludes: «The ability to program cannot be had in a Roman room with two or three people. Recovery planning was built in rooms no one knows about. “
December 20, 2020 (change December 20, 2020 | 12:42)