
“But there really is someone in the Democratic Party who awaits the birth of the party of Giuseppe Conte? And doesn’t anyone really think that Conte’s new party would take votes away from the Democratic Party? ». He writes it on twitter Andrea Romano, a deputy and spokesperson for the Riformista Base (the Pd area led by Lorenzo Guerini and Loca Lotti). The screech comes in the calm of the Sunday post-Christmas after the interview broadcast by Goffredo Bettini to Print which created a lot of confusion among the others even if only Romano spoke with such a clear statement against the hypothesis. “As for me, I present a logical reasoning: the current alliance has done Italy good and it would have a duty to present itself to the voters. Conte would independently decide the role to play. His leadership has never been questioned. It would be understandable if the force it has in the country becomes a political entity, “said Bettini.

Romano warns his comrades: Conte would steal votes from the tank Pd. It says nothing new. On the other hand, signals of the same type also reached the dem of a survey conducted by Nando Pagnoncelli of the month of June that pays a possible party of the premier to 14%. The analysis of electoral flows showed how, in essence, Foggia’s lawyer would take votes in large part (about 62%) of the Five Star Movement, the Democratic Party and other center-left lists, in the alternative of abstention (20 %). , then through the center-right and other smaller lists (5%). The hypothesis put forward by a possible descent to the premier field with his own party would be a boomerang for both the grillini and the democrats and that is why Bettini’s statements to Print they were not well received by the party. Romano’s twitter tone, after all, was anything but serene. The question: “Is there really anyone who does not consider that Conte’s new party would take votes away from the Democratic Party?” It was just a rhetorical question that meant: how can it not be understood? All rights reserved.
