A “long and friendly” phone call in the morning to sort out the “misunderstandings”. The rumors of an imminent interview between Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini have run throughout the day yesterday. But only today, after the League has removed the reference to the Mediaset issue from the constitutionality ruling against the Covid Decree, the conversation has materialized. A symbolic gesture reinforced by the words of the leader of the group in Montecitorio Molinari, a very faithful Salvinian: “It was a misunderstanding, they misunderstood us”.
The leader of the Northern League picked up the phone, to whom Berlusconi expressed “astonishment and pain” at his ally’s suspicions, given that he never assumed “any support for the majority” and said it in all directions. Salvini made the point, explaining that his mood was not directed towards the former prime minister but towards “a piece of Forza Italia” too inclined to dialogue with the government. But Berlusconi cut him short: “The whole party is with me.”
On this basis, the two agreed on the political point: the center-right will advance with a common position on all economic measures, from the amendments to the maneuver to the refreshment decree, to the budget gap that will be voted on in the Senate next Wednesday. “The unity of the center right is not in doubt,” was the common conclusion. What Salvini immediately spent on SkyTg24: “We talk about taxes and work, beyond the fights that don’t interest Italians. We will make a common battle as center-right in the classroom to bring home concrete results, to change the lives of insecure Italians, together with the producers. There will be common amendments to the budget law. Proposals for a government that until now has not listened to anyone ”. But the Captain went further, accepting a suggestion that comes from the Ligurian governor Giovanni Toti: “In the next few months I would like to create a federation of the center-right, starting from the parliamentary groups, to unite our concrete proposals.”
And thus, the center-right climate has once again been clear. As Giorgia Meloni had ironically predicted: “When men argue, let them cool down.” In part, that is what happened. At the base, say the well-informed, there was mutual annoyance: on the part of “Silvio” for the tones and prominence of “Matteo”, on the latter’s part for the newly discovered political centrality of Forza Italia in the climate of “collaboration institutional “. So Salvini, taking three deputies, released his wife’s warning to her husband who is fluttering. Strong projections that, with an IF of 6%, it would reduce the parliamentary patrol to 12 senators and 24 deputies. But if it turns out that the potential defectors are actually six, but perhaps ten or even more, the Azzurri respond that the risk of overbooking, especially in the Senate, is not theirs alone. And that “recruitment”, on the right, has the grillini as its favorite target, leaving little space for others.
In short, having postponed the incident for a tactical repositioning rather than a fracture, the game on the verge of dialogue with the majority, and the razor, continues. “If they explain to us how they use the money ready to vote on the budget variation, it is enough that we are not talking about scooters, but about concrete aid,” said Salvini. This is what the leader of FdI also repeats, but few believe it. Now, the certainty is that the three parties, despite the distinctions, will vote together. As, in addition, they did the last times: two yes and one no participation in the vote, the last time, seasoned by the “trappolone” of the Northern League to make the quorum miss. This time the predictions are more optimistic: if you want to build the favorable vote to which the Democratic Party aspires, the conditions for abstention are in place.
However, it is a game yet to be played. In light of the number of billions that the minority can also use, Prime Minister Conte and Minister Gualtieri will get into the maneuver. White fiscal semester, aid for VAT numbers, snacks for the “neglected” business and commercial categories, strengthening of local and home health care: there is no shortage of topics. “We have presented 34 pages of proposals and they have been received with interest by the government – explains Renato Brunetta, one of the ‘bridges’ of the dialogue – We will evaluate what the majority will present to us.” While the Italian spokesman Giorgio Mulé reiterates: “We want to start a dialogue that includes the entire center-right.” Clarifies the leader of the group in the Senate Anna Maria Bernini: “The unity of the center right is not in doubt: we have voted together 80 billion budget differences and we will present common amendments to improve an outdated and insufficient budget law.” He points out one of the central points: “We will request a schedule for the postponement of fiscal terms. You can’t decide at the last minute, when most taxpayers have already paid. Stop and go causes more harm than troubleshooting. “
Italian Senator Francesco Giro also applauds the certification of the “relationship of mutual loyalty” between the two leaders, which denies the hypothesis of a group change. And based on the new calm, the center-right has five days to decide the guidance on the budget variance. There are many issues, one is the point of decline: the government’s acceptance of the proposal for a “revenue reset” for VAT numbers that have had a drop in billing in the year of Covid. A figure that could be around a thousand euros. A compensation for the freelancers, a victory that Fi would gladly win.
But to put the newly discovered unit to the test, in the middle of the week, it will also be the summit on the municipalities to decide the mayoral candidates in Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna and Naples. Despite fears of postponing the election round from spring to summer, or even September, the center-right intends to close on December 3. And Berlusconi, who plans to participate in a videoconference, is preparing to affirm his new centrality to tip the balance in favor of Guido Bertolaso.