Which is still positive 24 days later, another tampon tested it on Saturday. “Silvio Berlusconi’s – observes Professor Massimo Clementi, director of the San Raffaele virology laboratory – is very low positivity, at borderline levels, and does not require therapy: it is totally asymptomatic, perhaps a little depressed because of having to remain still in isolation. But it happens. “Certainly the Knight did not take it well. He is depressed, he feels like a lion in a cage.” I have suffered a lot and still suffer. I’m still tired, exhausted, “he said in an interview last week. The day after tomorrow he will be 84 years old but the relatives, according to the treating doctors, …
Can be still positive 24 days later, I tried it on Saturday another buffer. “The one of Silvio Berlusconi – the teacher observes Massimo clementi, director of the San Raffaele virology laboratory – it is a very low positivity, at borderline levels, and does not require therapy: it is totally asymptomatic, perhaps a bit dejected at having to remain isolated. But it happens. Certainly the Knight did not take it well. You are depressed, you feel a lion in cage. “I have suffered a lot and I continue to suffer. I am still tired, exhausted,” he said in an interview last week. Day after tomorrow will celebrate 84 years But the relatives, in agreement with the treating doctors, have decided that there will be no party, which was initially put on the agenda to bring together a close circle of friends in Villa San Martino. the the next buffer is scheduled for today, and it takes two in a row to be considered cured. So there is no party.
Also for this reason, the news had circulated that Silvio Berlusconi, overwhelmed by the anxiety of being still positive, was convinced that home care was inadequate and on Saturday he asked the teacher Alberto Zangrillo to return to the San Raffaele hospital, where he had been from September 4 to 14. But his entourage denies it. “He never asked or wished – obviously – to be able to return to the hospital,” his staff clarified, denying some reconstructions defined as “totally unfounded” and arguing that Berlusconi “is operational, has telephone conversations with collaborators.” He participated electronically in the summit of the European People’s Party in recent days ”. But the mood is what it is. And understandably.
Positivity lasts for a month is not uncommon. A study published by the BMJ Open magazine and carried out by the local health authority-Irccs of Reggio Emilia in 4,538 people showed that the Coronavirus it would take an average of 30 days to remove of the body. And this period of uncertainty and deprivation of social contacts places the positive in a situation of high stress, which in many cases puts their psychological well-being at risk. This was supported, among others, by a work published in the Lancet medical journal by a group of researchers from King’s College London. The analysis of 24 studies, conducted in ten countries during previous epidemics such as SARS, H1N1, MERS and Ebola, revealed that among the consequences of an epidemic there is a growth of psychological distress. “In the population analyzed after days of quarantine – say the British researchers – studies show an increase in psychological symptoms such as emotional disorders, depression, stress, mood disorders, irritability, insomnia and signs of post-traumatic stress”, which can also last for me if
Second Claudio mencacci, president of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology (Sinpf) “Scientific studies, both Italian and international, indicate a net increase in depressive symptoms in the general population.” “The symptoms of depression – Mencacci observes – have increased fivefold globally in our country, the moderate ones have almost quadrupled and the most serious ones have grown seven and a half times. In Italy it is estimated that up to 150 thousand more cases of depression in the next months. “
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