Published on: 09/13/2020 10:03 PM
Silvio Berlusconi “has given great satisfaction and I think that he has personally contributed to show that, by following codified and precise rules, we will be able to overcome the virus and we will be able to reassure everyone, given that there is a lot of anxiety and concern”. He said it Alberto Zangrillo, head of the General and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit of the Irccs San Raffaele hospital in Milan and personal physician of the former prime minister, in connection with ‘L’Aria che tira’ in La7.
“Now that the facts are showing that the government is right, we have to be honest. The blockade – said Zangrillo – because of how it was conceived and implemented was a model to follow for other countries. The reboot caused a few more problems. School shouldn’t be a problem. “
“There is no dramatization, the exchange of tools between children – added the doctor – can be regulated and if we follow the guidelines that have been given on distancing and personal hygiene. I think the risks may not really be eliminated, but we must keep it in a range away from psychosis. “
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