Two hours, one tac and the decision to keep him in the hospital, to monitor him even more closely and constantly bilateral pneumonia in the “early” state, symptom of an attack of the COVID-19 more virulent than the previous days. The hospitalization of Silvio Berlusconi Alabama San Raffaele matured between Thursday the 22nd and the following midnight, despite the fact that the former prime minister was sure he could return to Villa San Martino, your residence in Arcore where he had been isolated after positivity to the pad. “So he exams they and I made them I feel pretty good. Now I can go home, right? ”He asked, as reported by the Corriere della Sera, to Medical staff from the hospital at the gates of Milan coordinated by your personal physician Alberto Zangrillo. At that point, the former pilot discovered that he had to stay in structure and the frame of mind, as explained by Zangrillo on Friday afternoon, became “not exactly the best.”
Berlusconi felt convinced that he could return to Arcore. Instead, it is isolated in an area of 300 square meters and, given the symptoms andage “at risk”, your stay is likely to last for a ten days at least. “Precautionary purposes”, is the message that they repeat and that is transmitted abroad. The founder of Go Italy will achieve 84 years September 29 and your age advises the utmost caution. Two hours earlier, for the same reason, he had been persuaded to head to San Raffaele for a tac ai light. The answer, according to Zangrillo, was unequivocal and, consequently, also the next step. It happened shortly after the prime minister’s phone call. Giuseppe Conte, “A cordial and courteous exchange, to improve it wishes of speedy recovery ”, explained the premier at the Festa del Fatto Quotidiano.
Meanwhile out daughters ei sons they follow the evolution of the situation with apprehension. Barbara, also positive like Luigi, intervenes in the newspapers to respond to reconstructions who wants it like him first infected in Villa Certosa. “I’m not the only one”he says and repeats. The firstborn Small port described as the most “Angry”Because for months it was she who imposed the strictest line possible in her father’s life. the emergency shutdown spent on Provence with his girlfriend Marta Fascina It was her decision, as well as, according to the reconstructions, it was she who pressed for hospitalization and supervision continuous ofclinical evolution of contagion. At the same time he asks for “much more respect” for the disease of the father and speaks of days marked “by obsessive research of family conflicts “that” do not exist “and” of one hunt down the ‘culprit’ which really puzzles you. “
Certainly second The messenger, there is a message from a nephew of Berlusconi that would fix the first infected Villa Certosa Alabama August 10: “We had a person in Certosa who was positive. However mine trusted doctor told me not to do the buffer. 15 days have passed and I sit there too temperature”, the text message sent to a friend in August 25. In those days Berlusconi is already in Arcore, where he returned on August 19. Negative tests in negative tests until the other day, when the virus that circulated in the environments he attended last month did not affect him too much.
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