Berlusconi clamorous, to replace Toti dusts off the old glory. Here is the new councilor – Il Tempo


He caught Schifani. It will be the right arm of the Cav for this new season of “dialogue”

The role of political advisor in Forza Italia returns. In fact, Silvio Berlusconi has appointed former Senate President Renato Schifani as his new right-hand man, “The indisputable multi-year commitment in the party, the great authority shown in the years in which he held the position of group leader and the position of President Senate, human and political depth combined with a rare mediation capacity, have consolidated in him the esteem and confidence of the party and of President Berlusconi himself. The President wishes Senator Schifani a good job for the new and relevant position he will fill ”Are the words of the press release that announced the appointment.

The position of political advisor had not been filled by anyone after the traumatic end of the relationship with Giovanni Toti, who had started his adventure in Forza Italia with that position after having been director of Tg4 until the day before.

Relations with Toti then broke down. And with Schifani himself there were no shortage of disputes in the past, since the former president of the Senate was among those who left Forza Italia with Angelino Alfano to give life to the New Center-Right. Although, to tell the truth, Schifani was among the first to go the other way.

However, the veteran Sicilian politician welcomed the quote: “The health and economic emergency that we are experiencing imposes the urgency of strengthening and expanding a truly liberal proposal. The voice of Italian moderates must be heard, today more than ever. This is what President Berlusconi does again: it is thanks to his sense of state and his deep love for the country that today we begin to speak of a desirable collaboration between the majority and the opposition to relaunch the country, to contain the social and productive consequences of Covid and support the growth of Italy “. In short, for Berlusconi Covid requires a season of dialogue. And who better than Schifani?
