They put the hands everywhere, monsignors, runner e businessmen looking for speculation, even in the personal account of Pope Bergoglio. A 59 page document explains this, writes Republic, in which the assault on Vatican finances and with which the letters rogatory presented by the pontifical prosecutor are motivated. A Sack of the Vatican gives 454 million euros which revolves around the London building.
Protagonists among others Fabrizio Tirabassi (employee of the Secretary of State) who with Monsignor Alberto Perlasca it even slides into the “Discretionary Fund of the Ubs created in 2015 for the discretionary expenses of the Holy Father and authorized by himself “take from there 20 million pounds by Gianluigi Torzi, Financial considered “high risk” and included in the lists of bad press of the world. Torzi invoices 5 million as advice for other real estate transactions proposed to the monsignors: a hotel in Milan in the San Siro area, a building in Piazza Cavour, one on Fifth Avenue in New York, a hotel for the Expo of Dubai.
Not only that, finances and health. Loans advanced by private hospitals and cooperatives with local health authorities. Companies that are thus inserted in the relations of the Fatebenefratelli of Rome with the Lazio Region. And above all, the Vatican is linked to a cooperative, the Osa, which thanks to Tirabassi’s recommendation obtains a record contract from the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital. Charged with a subject who is denounced “for strong ties and environments and people Camorra de Apulia, Clan Campana and Sacra Corona Unita “.
He writes Republic: there are characters dressed in gold. Lawyer Nicola Squillace The Libonati Jaeger law firm receives “200 thousand euros for a generic legal consulting order, more than 150 thousand euros for a series of professionals indicated by him.” And immediately afterwards he issues another invoice for 364 thousand euros. The Vatican does not pay. But overcome the obstacle. “With this trick, therefore, not only the lawyer Squillace with the complicity of Gianluigi Torzi manages to evade the veto but he even gets 17,000 euros more paid.” In general ben 711 thousand euros are swallowed by inexplicable advice. Then there are the English studios that have millions in their hands without titles. They feel omnipotent. ”
Hands all over Angelo Becciu through his secretary, Monsignor Mauro Carlino, of which the magistrates underline “the particular ease with which he moves in the upper echelons of the state hierarchy, the incessant activity that he carries out with personalities from the world of finance to carry out new business initiatives.” And then you meet Luca Dal Fabbro, President of Snam to discuss the renegotiation of the London property mortgage and new projects, always with the turn of Raffaele Mincione is found and Enrico Preziosi, “a well-known Giochi Preziosi businessman struck by a precautionary measure and pointed out by Dal Fabbro himself as a ‘much talked about’ character”. Business also with Mauro Di Lello, “businessman and agent of footballers”.
Carlino is awake and when he talks about an operation in the Acquafredda estate owned by the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, he knows that “it must be disguised for social purposes because ‘otherwise they start shooting us that I only do speculative or commercial activities. ‘ Perlasca, Tirabassi, Carlino and another close collaborator of Becciu, Vincenzo Mauriello, in addition to the director of the Aif Tommaso Di Ruzza, It will be later dismissed by the Pope on May 1, 2020, after registration in the offices of the Secretary of State