In the first six months of the year, reports of fatal accidents in Lombardy doubled – CISL data.
There were 177 reports of fatal accidents at work in Lombardy, between January and July 2020, more than double compared to 88 in the same period last year. This is what the Lombardy CISL finds based on the latest Inail data related to reports of accidents and occupational diseases both in the first seven months of 2020 and only in July, compared to the same period in 2019.
The increase in fatal accidents must be attributed to the reports made to Inail by Covid-19, 121 as of July 31 last.. At the provincial level, the greatest increase in fatal reports is in Cremona, which goes from 1 to 22, again in the first seven months of 2019 compared to 2020, while the highest number is in Bergamo with 36 fatal cases in 2020 followed by Brescia and Milan with 34.
Regarding the reports of non-fatal accidents, the analysis of the Inail data shows a decrease of 14.7% in the form of occurrence as a consequence of the sharp slowdown in production due to Covid-19. From 71,444 in January-July 2019 to 60,899 in 2020. At the national level, the decrease is 23.7%. A figure 9 points higher.
“All this should commit the Lombardy Region to successfully strengthen the prevention departments, completing the decisions taken and agreed with the union on the hiring of inspection personnel – underlines Pierluigi Rancati, regional secretary of CISL Lombardia -. In no way can we allow the commitment to economic recovery to leave the focus on safety at work online. “
According to the same institute, the comparison between the months of 2020 and 2019 should be considered, until now, of little importance for two reasons: the suspension throughout the national territory, between March 9 and part of May of this year, of any productive activity considered not essential that is proving decisive for the decline in global accident reports, and the inclusion, based on the survey last March, of accident reports related to Covid-19 infections that occurred in the field work or due to work performance and on-the-go activity, which is having a significant impact on the increase in deaths registered in this first part of the year, the effects of which can only be evaluated in consolidation in the next few months.
“As the CISL of Lombardy has always maintained and expected, the only reliable comparison is the one between the data on accidents that have occurred and those of the hours worked, which are not yet available”, clarifies the CISL of Lombardy.