Bergamo, Covid vaccinations at the beginning There will be 50 nurses and doctors


The first calls began on Monday, via WhatsApp. Unofficial and very informal messages, sent around 3 in the afternoon, model – to put it in English – “save the date”: “Stay free on December 27 to receive the anticovid vaccine.”

To receive the message the president of the Order of Doctors Guido Marinoni as well as the colleague in charge of the Order of Nurses Gianluca Solitro. They will also be among the 50 people from Bergamo who on December 27 will receive -first- the Covid vaccine from Pfizer Biontech, approved yesterday afternoon by Ema, the European regulatory body. A day of high symbolic value, that of 27, already renamed V-day: Europe has agreed with its member countries a coordinated start of the campaign, with the first doses administered in favor of the camera.
