“From better assets to super rich resources” – Instead of asking for the Month, “a property for the super rich” is better. It is one of the two proposals, along with that of making the Church pay the Imu and the ICI that they do not pay for real estate, which Beppe Grillo advances in his blog, criticizing the Month. “For days – writes Grillo – the dire shadow of the arrival of a good to the movable and immovable property of Italians has been rebounding on social networks. The proposal presented by Leu and Pd was immediately rejected by the Budget Committee, which was defined as “inadmissible” and provides for a minimum progressive rate of 0.2% on assets whose tax base is constituted by a net worth of more than 500 thousand euros and up to one million euros, up to 2% above 50 million But, fortunately, it has not happened and therefore the chapter is closed. What if for once, instead of taxing the slowly disappearing middle class, we proceeded to tax only the wealth of Italians? In our country, according to the latest Credit Suisse report on global wealth, there are 2,774 citizens with personal assets that exceed 50 million euros; If they add up, their assets would even amount to around 280 billion. the”.
Grillo wonders: “Wouldn’t it be fairer, therefore, to serve them than the rest of the population already exhausted by a tragic year from the financial and health point of view? A contribution of 2% for assets ranging from 50 million euros. Euros per billion would generate income for the State coffers just over 6 billion. One of the 3% that billionaires give could yield about 4 billion more. “” An asset thus conceived would mean guaranteed income for the State coffers of at least 10 billion euros during the first year, and another 10 billion if the measure is confirmed also for 2022 “.
Imu and Ici also to the Church – Along with the request to make the Church pay the Imu and the ICI not paid in real estate, they are for Grillo “two absolutely practicable, sacrosanct and above all non-binding proposals (which do not foresee any type of debt for Italy) that would bring many billions to the coffers
out of state in no time, if anything was needed. If they are added together, the two proposals would contribute some 25,000 million euros in the 2021/2022 biennium that can be spent immediately and without return restrictions ”.
“The wicked tool Mes, useless to seize” – “I will not be here to list the thousand reasons that make the Month a tool not only inadequate but completely useless to meet the needs of our country at such a delicate time. It is not a question of money, which seems to exist, but of how and where to use them ”. Getting bogged down – says Grillo – on the absurd discussion about the funds of the Month, which are described as the panacea for all ills, is a mere waste of time and energy. The money of the European mechanism, it is fair to remember that (convenient or not) always debt. A debt that already exceeds 150,000 million and that, sooner or later, must
to be rewarded by the true moral victims of all this history. Young people and new generations ”.