
From today senators and anti-Mario Draghi deputies will propose a single coordination. In the Senate, the 15 who said no to the executive who heads the former ECB number one are trying to take, through the pentastellato Lannutti, Italy’s symbol of securities (a very complicated operation), a similar operation will be carried out. in the camera. Di Battista aims to be your point of reference.
Faced with an unprecedented attack by the M5S maneuvers in support of the premier, with push coming from social networks, from the base and also from within the Movement, Beppe Grillo has taken charge of the situation again.
Yesterday that reference to “we are no longer Martians” is the mark of a turning point (“I go back and decide”). As of Monday M5S changes its face. It officially becomes a moderate, green, and ruling force. With the founder who officially intends to propose a major role to the former prime minister. That of the director of M5S, coordinator of the next direction of 5 men that will be born in the next few weeks. The challenge is to rebuild the Movement, or better yet, to refound it. A true turnaround to abandon what is at stake and the ideologies that have held it back in the past.
A different profile, Di Maio led the way, the 5-star Movement could not hold together, it lost and will lose some pieces but Grillo’s perspective is to look further. In reality, even within parliamentary groups, he is pushing for mediation after the tear consumed by the vote of confidence in the government. Many big names also insist that the dissidence be distinguished, between those who – this is the refrain – wanted to act against the Movement (see Lezzi and Morra) and those who – for example, Senator Moronese is mentioned – said a painful no. But there are no divisions of judgment, the expulsions will be carried out even if the referees would be inclined to wait for the new leaders.
The political leader Crimi says goodbye now, it is up to the new government to solve the next problems: the question of the structure, organization and relationship with Rousseau. But beyond the names that will put their faces in the new guide (the perspective is that in the end they will be secondary figures), the lifeguard is Conte. Grillo bets on him to save a Movement that runs the risk of going to the next administrative offices well below 10%. It is no longer just a question of Dragons if Dragons are not, the issue is survival. “We have finished, at this point the 5-Star Movement is dead”, the refrain also among the outgoing ministers and undersecretaries. But before reciting the “de profundis”, Grillo intends to relaunch and impose his leadership once again, convinced that he is the only possessor of the symbol and threatens to withdraw it. And even at the cost of breaking up with Casaleggio (the two have never disagreed so much) that he continues to wink at dissenters. “The M5s must deal with reality, no more cracks and stomachaches,” shouts the former comedian, irritated by those who have stood up to the good of the Movement.
The opposition of the M5S is still to be built, yesterday the frondistas met in Montecitorio, they even began to think about the name of a new party but there is still no homogeneity of opinions. The consciousness of the big names is that with Crimi’s choice to give the dissidents the red card, they will not only lose funds but also bargaining power, even in the party of undersecretaries. Fewer MPs equate to less power; after all, even the intergroup formation maneuver runs the risk of failing. This is the reason why, Contiani and not, in the Movement the attention is now focused on Conte, who as of March 1 will return to assume the role of teacher. And the first sponsor is Grillo.
Last update: February 19 at 00:14