the European Parliament “It does not recognize the result of elections presidential Celebrated on Belarus on August 9 “because he is performing” in clear violation of internationally recognized standards “and will not recognize Lukashenko president “once his current term has come to an end”, that is, after November 5th. Similarly, MEPs condemn the poisoning of the Russian opponent Alexey Navalny, reduced to death after ingesting the nerve agent Novichok, Asking for “an international surveyThere are two very tough positions taken in these hours of the plenary session a Strasbourg, even if the representatives of the EU citizens, as on other occasions in the past, have struggled to find unity, which was especially lacking among the Italian parties.
The first resolution, which condemns the violence and repression of the regime after the elections that reconfirmed Lukashenko for the sixth term, was approved with 574 yes, 37 no and 82 abstentions. A vote to which League by Matteo Salvini did not participate, preferring abstention, while Pd, M5S, Forza Italia and the Brothers of Italy have united for the Yes. “How disgusting” was the heated comment of the secretary dem Zingaretti. “Who knows why the League has decided to turn its back, for the umpteenth time, on the decisions of its country,” he added. Emanuele Fiano, also accusing the Carroccio MEP Susanna ceccardi (running to the regional in Tuscany). The head of the PD delegation in Strasbourg is even more difficult Brando benifei, according to which “Salvini is the best ally of the worst dictators– After providing political support to Orban on numerous occasions, he now refuses to condemn the Belarusian regime so as not to disturb Putin“.
The European Parliament’s position on the Navalny case was even more controversial. The resolution calling for the immediate start of an international survey about his poisoning and alleged violations of the Russia in the field of chemical weapons Approved with 532 yes, 84 no and 72 abstentions. MEPs urge Moscow to cooperate, but at the same time call on member states to take a clear position, for example by tightening the restrictive measures that already exist against the Kremlin. They wonder sanctions that allow the European assets freeze of corrupt people, in line with the results of the work carried out by the Alexei Navalny Anticorruption Foundation. All resolutions that have not been unanimously requested by the Italian parties. The League voted no, siding with Vladimir Putin. The M5S and the Pd, instead, were divided: the Democrats voted in favor along with Go Italy, while the five-star MEPs abstained along with the Brothers of Italy.
The decisions taken today by Strasbourg took place the day after the declarations of Ursula von der Leyen, who in his first speech on the State of the union. During the plenary session Brussels,the President of the Commission reiterated that “theEuropean Union is with the people of BelarusAnd that its citizens “should be free to decide for themselves about their future. I am not pawns on someone else’s board ”. Faced with these positions, the reaction of Minsk it did not took her long to arrive. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus defined “explicitly aggressiveAnd the resolution passed today is not constructive. “We are disappointed – he declared in a note taken by the Russian agency Ria Novosti – the fact that the European Parliament, which positions itself as a serious, objective and democratic structure, has not been able to find the right political will look beyond your own nose, overcome one-sidedness and not become a hostage to common places.
Meanwhile in the capital of the country the repression against the opposition continues: Maria Kolesnikova, who tore up her passport to avoid being deported to Ukraine against her will and is currently detained in the Belarusian city of Zhodino, was found a suspect in a criminal investigation into “a case of actions intended to cause damage to national security” on September 9. Charged under Article 361 of the Belarusian Penal Code, she could now face two to five years in prison. OfUkrainemeanwhile, the opposition leader and former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya stated that the opposition is willing to provide “security guarantees” to Lukashenko if you resign “peacefully”. To journalists who asked if a Lukashenko “Security guarantees” will be given in case of “peaceful” resignations, Tikhanovskaya he replied: “It can be discussed. Of course if it goes peaceably, there is such a probability, I would also say a certainty. Personally, I have to speak for everyone, and in this case everyone’s opinion will be taken into account ”.
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