behind is the Pd – Libero Quotidiano


There is no peace for the prime minister Conte. Haunting him is the specter of an impending government crisis. But even the reorganization hypothesis is not so remote. Meanwhile, the prime minister addresses a government verification, not asked – strangely – by Matteo renzi. Second DagospiaIn fact, at least half of the Democratic Party forced the prime minister to take this step, from Andrea Orlando to Lorenzo Guerini to Matteo Orfini. At the end Sergio Mattarella a mini reorganization will allow it. However, in the event of a strong executive commotion, Conte would have to resign, make an agreement signed by the majority parties and they will reappear in the Chambers.

Luigi Di Maio's Prime Minister.  Indiscretions about the desperate move of Italia Viva (and the very heavy rumors: who resigns from Renzi's party)

If this does not happen, the President of the Republic – second There is – you have two options: or call Mario draghi by a government of national unity (for which Matteo salvini has already been made available) or call someone else for a transitional government to lead a vote However, an early vote without a new proportional electoral law would lead to the center-right in Palazzo Chigi. This would change all the cards on the table and influence the process of choosing Mattarella’s successor. That is why no one really thinks about this possibility. Second Dagospia, the only one who, after all, caresses the idea is Luigi di maio who, by putting the M5s to a vote, could raise a good 15 percent under his leadership.
